




EMF brain shielding is a helpful innovation that some individuals might be able to use
to increase their brainpower. |
Best Brain Shielding Upgrades Including EMF Shielding and Sounds and Vibes Shielding, Nootropics or Brain Boosters, and Empowerment Upgrades
This is a preliminary version of the best upgrades that I recommend that is still under revision.
If you have already tested and verified that brain shielding including EMF shielding can help you, then shielding your brain using brain shielding that includes EMF shielding and sounds and vibes shielding is a cumulative process with a number of limitations, including time, money, and the unusual appearance of some EMF shielding and/or sound absorbing shielding and/or anti-vibration shielding. The more brain shielding including EMF shielding that you wear, the better your cumulative brain shielding and the stronger and more shielded your brain feels. So, what are the best brain shielding including EMF shielding upgrades that you can affordably buy?
First, you can get some minimal brain shielding including EMF shielding and/or sound absorbing shielding from the clothing you already own. First, you should try to cover every square inch of bare skin with some form of EMF shielding and/or sound absorbing material. Polyester (and probably nylon) or cotton-polyester is probably the cheapest and more affordable base layer of clothing with only very minimal EMF shielding and very minimal sound absorbing shielding, but it is far better than bare skin and better than 100% cotton.. This should include a long-sleeve shirt, and light long underwear. You can test how your feel with/without your base layer of minimal brainshielding including EMF shielding and/or sound absorbing clothing the next time you step out of the shower to verify that this clothing provides some brain shielding including EMF shielding and/or sound shielding. IF you don't have any polyester (or nylon or wool), then 100% cotton is probably better than bare skin. This is the brain shielding including EMF shielding, sound shielding, and/or anti-vibrational shielding that you can get from the clothing you already own.
Second, in addition to your base layer of clothing, you can get your best more cost-effective brain shielding including EMF shielding and/or sound absorbing (and/or anti-vibration) upgrades from shielding your head, your neck, and also your chest area, and wearing shoes with cushioned anti-vibration insoles.
Best Upgrades Include Brain Boosters/Nootropics
updated [11/28/23]
Brain Booster and Nootropic Research on Nootropics.
[Updated 11/19/24]
For an instant effect, you can consume a nootropic lingually [with your tongue] and/or even better sublingually [under your tongue.] Otherwise, pills and capsules take a while to be digested probably slower and less effectively in your stomach and/or gastrointestinal system.
This is ONLY brain booster and nootropic research. It is NOT a product guarantee.

5-HTP from Nutricost 200mg, 120 capsules from 5-HTP is a brain booster or nootropic that increases and improves neurotransmitter serotonin levels and increases self-confidence. This Amazon's choice selection is a good-quality cheap and affordable 200mg capsule version of 5-HTP. also offers 5-HTP time-release capsules or tablets to choose from. Time release versions of 5-HTP capsules or tablets provide more consistently boosted levels of 5-HTP and serotonin daily, but are not as cheap as Nutricost 5-HTP. (Caution: the number of mg/pill is often less than the number of mg/serving size, since a serving size can be 1-2 pills or more.) also offers a wide selection of 5-HTP products to choose from. (Caution: the number of mg/pill is often less than the number of mg/serving size, since a serving size can be 1-2 pills or more.)
Brain Booster and Nootropic Research on 5-HTP.
5-HTP is a brain booster or nootropic that increases and improves neurotransmitter serotonin levels and increases self-confidence.
This is ONLY brain booster and nootropic research. It is NOT a product guarantee.

Allmax Essential Caffeine 200mg tablets from 100 tablets. also offers a wide selection of caffeine products to choose from.
Brain Booster and Nootropic Research on Caffeine.
This is ONLY brain booster and nootropic research. It is NOT a product guarantee.
Caffeine is a very commonly and widely used brain booster than increases alertness and wakefulness.
Caution::Mind control technology can, using mind control energy waves, zap someone into being less alert or even tired, sleepy, or asleep and can easily override the energy and wakefulness boosting effects of caffeine or a caffeine substitute. In my experience, the cheek nerves, facial nerves, and/or the left and/or right trigeminal ganglion (located between the eyes and ears) are vulnerable to tiredness, passiveness, disablement, drowsiness, and sometimes even sleep zaps that are probably almost impossible to stop, regardless of the use of caffeine or caffeine alternatives.
Caution: Caffeine can interfere with sleep.
Caution: There are various health warnings associated with higher levels of caffeine use.
This is ONLY interesting brain booster and nootropic research. It is NOT a product guarantee.
Best Upgrades Include Magic Scarves (Polyester Tube Scarves), etc.
Brain Shielding Research: Brain shielding and sound shielding tips for targeted individuals
The best cheap low-strength brain brain shielding product is the polyester microfiber magic scarf in a plain color or plain colors. Stretchy polyester magic scarves can provide very light, cheap, and compact quick-install quick-release cheek and face shielding. They provide some polyester microfiber brain shielding, potentially adjustable pressure-sensitive brain shielding, they can hold other stronger brain shielding in place, they are stackable, and they can shield your face if you cut a small very short rectangle for your eyes in middle of a magic scarf, and they can also cover harder to shield parts of your face like the bottom of your neck, the bottom of your jaw, and your chin. Caution: If you adjust them too tight, they can cause skin abrasion.
Magic Scarves (Polyester Tube Scarves) for Sale
You can buy this product quickly at and/or cheaply but slowly in the precise colors you want from Singapore/China/Southeast Asia at eBay.
From Amazon Prime members in the US get faster delivery.

Nextour 6 Magic Scarves from Select the second set of solid colors or any colors that you prefer.

VANCROWN 6 different color Magic Scarves from Select the second set of solid colors or any colors that you prefer.

26 Pcs Magic Scarves from Luxury or stylish item. (For most affordable daily functionality, you will probably want to select 1 standard color and then buy that 1 color in bulk.)
Caution: This fine product offers more expensive cosmetic appeal. There are much more affordable magic scarves or polyester bandannas from eBay that can accomplish your brain shielding goals for less money..
Low Cost Individual/Bulk Products from eBay. Select your favorite color and stock up with 5-10 or more for your best brain shielding capability.

Polyester bandanas can be purchased individually at eBay with fast shipping. Seller has sold thousands for these products. You can buy and try one first and test it before buying in bulk.

2 polyester bandanas from eBay. Most affordable. Made from polyester microfiber. You can buy one 2-pack first and try one first and test it before buying in bulk.
Brain Shielding Research: Polyester microfiber magic scarf brain shielding and sound shielding ideas:
1. It takes a lot more than one very cheap magic scarf to provide some low strength at least sometimes noticeably improved cumulative brain shielding.
2. Polyester magic scarves look better when they are all the same color. Once you've tested them and know they work, you might want to buy 10-20 in bulk in your favorite color.
The limited area brain shielding provided by a magic scarf is probably a mixture of pressure-sensitive brain shielding and limited polyester microfiber brain shielding.
4. Polyester microfiber brain shielding scarfs can provide quick install quick release shielding of your cheeks, your head, and also the bottom of your jaw. They can also help shield your neck, but might be too loose to shield your neck without extra adjusting.
5. Adding an extra polyester microfiber scarf can increase brain shielding. 2 magic scarves often provide more noticeably stronger shielding than one, particularly when shielding the bottom of your jaw, your cheeks, and the top of your head.
6. Magic scarves are excellent at holding powerful brain shielding cloth, for example CobalTex, in place. The magic scarves provide the elasticity to hold CobalTex and other strong brain shielding snugly in place properly fitting at least moderately tightly on your skin.
7. Try placing one magic scarf over your face and your head. Then remove it and try cutting a very small rectangular eyehole for your eyes (and/or eyeglasses) in the middle of it. Then try it on and after you remove it again carefully expand the size of the eyehole until the expanded and enlarged eyehole provides an opening for your eyes [and/or eyeglasses] to see through. (If you accidentally cut a large eye-hole, you might lose some helpful extra shielding power around your eyes.) Once you have many magic scarves, you will probably want to cut eyeholes in a few of them.
8. Try to cover and shield every square inch of your face and head, including your cheeks, your brow above your eyes, your nose and the area underneath your eyes, the bottom of your jaw, and your chin, and the temple area behind your eyes between your eyeglasses and your head. Also try to shield your brain, the top and back of your brain, your brainstem underneath your brain, and the top of and if possible the rest of your spinal cord.
9. Useful brain shielding positions for you to try magic scarves in include:
9.1. A magic scarf with the smallest possible carefully cut rectangle in the middle of it for an eyehole (and/or an eyeglass hole) to shield your face and cheeks and the back of your head with. (This is much stronger if you place any strong brain shielding fabric like CobalTex underneath it.)
9.2. A magic scarf bunched up placed between your nose and mouth and around the back of your head. This can place some pressure sensitive shielding on your cheeks.
9.3. A magic scarf (or preferably 2) placed underneath your jaw and over the top of your head. Be sure to spread it out and cover as much of the top of your head as possible and all of the bottom of your jaw and your chin. (This is much stronger if you place any strong brain shielding fabric like CobalTex underneath it.)
9.4. A magic scarf (or 2 or more) covering your front back, front, and sides of your neck. (They are more effective 1) covering other strong brain shielding like CobalTex and 2) when they exert mild pressure around other brain shielding and/or your neck.) (FYI, the larynx/voice box in the front of your neck might be vulnerable to remote mind reading and shielding your neck seems to increase alertness.)
9.5. A magic scarf covering your brow above your eyes and the back of your head and maybe the top of your neck. The first one should probably be spread out and extra scarves could be spread out and/or bunched up.
9.6. Magic scarves can help shield your cheek and eyes at night when you are trying to sleep. Be sure to leave plenty of breathing space for your nose and mouth.
10. quick release buckle straps can produce tighter fitting stronger quick release brain shielding than magic scarves when they hold other brain shielding, particularly any metal brain shielding, in place, and when the buckle straps are placed around the cheeks and the back of the head, the brow and the top of the head, around the neck, and maybe even underneath the jaw around the top of the head.
11. Shielding your face, head, and brain is only one part of the brain shielding task of shielding your entire body. See for more information on shielding your entire body.

Thin Stretchy Headbands for 9Pcs, Cotton Like Headbands for Women/Men 2.5 inch Wide, Soft Sweat Wicking Stretchy Headband for Sports Yoga Running. 95% Polyester + 5% Spandex. They can stretch from 9.2 to 14.5 inches. The per headband cost for 9 headbands total is extremely cheap and affordable.
Brain Shielding Research on Hauca Headbands.
My brain shielding and EMF shielding research leads me to believe that this product can provide additional shielding.
This is ONLY brain shielding and EMF shielding research. It is NOT a product guarantee. Please use your own judgement in purchasing products from this store. I believe that this product will help some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time.
According to my brain shielding and EMF shielding research, here is what I personally believe about some of the unadvertised by the seller benefits of this product. This is NOT a product guarantee.
This product is thin and can help hold EMF shielding or brain shielding in place over the head and over the face and, while it has very minimal/no brain shielding capability itself, it can 1) help hold brainshielding tightly in place, and 2) place some pressure on the head or face (and the skin pressure might produce some extra brain shielding).
Best Upgrades Include Aluminum Foil and SmartShield Low Cost Lightweight Aluminum Foil and Foam Core EMF/EMI/RF Shielding and Sound Shielding

Reynolds Wrap Heavy Duty Aluminum Foil, 50 Square Feet (Packaging May Vary) or 130 Square Feet. Also probably available at your local grocery store and/or a local food delivery service.
Brain Shielding Research on aluminum foil.
My brain shielding and EMF shielding research leads me to believe that this product can provide additional shielding.
This is ONLY brain shielding and EMF shielding research. It is NOT a product guarantee. Please use your own judgement in purchasing products from this store. I believe that this product will help some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time.
According to my brain shielding and EMF shielding research, here is what I personally believe about some of the unadvertised by the seller benefits of this product. This is NOT a product guarantee.
Aluminum foil provides some EMF shielding against electronic waves. It might provide some limited shielding against the magnetic part of electromagnetic waves. It does NOT shield against sound energy waves.
Reynolds Wrap Heavy Duty Aluminum Foil, 50 Square Feet (Packaging May Vary) or 130 Square Feet. Also probably available at your local grocery store and/or a local food delivery service. This works great, looks terrible, and adds a lot to potentially overheating your head and body. You can try wrapping it around the back and the side of your head and see if it helps. (You could also temporarily test it by holding it in front of your face, but if you do, you can temporarily close your eyes and also be very careful to avoid any eye injuries.) You can also add more aluminum foil EMF brain shielding to the top and the top front of your head. However, please be aware of both appearance and potential overheating limitations. And keep it away from your eyes. Aluminum foil tightly held in place by a balaclava and/or magic scarf and/or beanie is an option.
Sizes include 16"x10' and 48"x10' in 3mm thick. Sizes also include various sizes with a 5mm sound-absorbing foam core.
INSULATION MARKETPLACE SmartSHIELD -3mm 16inx10Ft ReflectiveINSULATION roll, Foam Core Radiant Barrier, ThermalINSULATION Shield - Engineered Foil. According to the product description, this product is
"EXTREMELY EFFETIVE - reflect 95% of radiant energy, perfect RADIANT BARRIER.
VAPOR BARRIER -Unaffected by humidity and moisture, can be used indoor/outdoor.
SUPREME QUALITY - 3mm closed cell polyethylene.
FOAM ( not a cheap bubbles) sandwiched between highly reflective Engineered Foil on both sides. Easy to install, easy to cut and easy to clean, Strong but lightweight.
SOUND BARRIER - excellent soundproofing material.
NON TOXICEXTREMELY EFFECTIVE - reflect 95% of radiant energy, perfect RADIANT BARRIER."
EMF Shielding Research: SmartShield Low Cost Lightweight Aluminum Foil and Foam EMF/EMI/RF Shielding and Sound Shielding
SmartShield is light, cheap, flexible, probably low-strength RF or radio frequency EMF shielding [heavier aluminum has been rated as shielding in at least the 9KHz-39GHz range] and sound shielding that can be at least be temporarily added around other possibly heavier and stronger EMF shielding to produce some helpful extra EMF shielding. It is properly just one flexible tool in your collection of EMF shielding and sound shielding supplies.
Caution: It is probably low strength, it is flimsy, it looks unusual/cheap/weird (unless covered over by magic scarves, possibly including a magic scarf with a hole cut in it for your eyes to see though), and it might contribute to your your body overheating, a problem that could cause heat exhaustion, or heatstroke. You get what you pay for, and this a is a cheap, probably low-strength only partial solution, just one low cost component in a an EMF shielding supplies collection.
Best Upgrades Include EMF Shielding Brain Shielding
[updated 12/23/24]

Balaclava Shield from Lightweight, thin, stretchable. Light shielding strength. Rated as shielding up to 45 dB (99.5%) of EMF shielding with our special blend. We use 76% silver-coated Nylon plus 24% elastic fiber for the best results.. Stackable with other brain shielding.

Skull Cap from Lightweight, thin, stretchable. Light shielding strength. Rated as providing 35 dB of EMF shielding effectiveness up to 10 GHz and beyond. Stackable with other brain shielding.

Brain Coat from Lightweight, thin, stretchable. Light shielding strength. Rated as providing up to 30 dB of EMF shielding up to 10 GHz and beyond. Provides light EMF shielding for more of the brain and head than a comparable light thin EMF shielding beanie cap. Stackable with other brain shielding.

EMF Shielding Earmuff/Headband from Light shielding strength. Crafted from a double layer of medium-weight, stretchy knitted fabric that includes cotton, nylon, and silver-coated nylon fibers, offering incredible 45 dB of EMF shielding. Stackable with other brain shielding. Can provide an extra layer EMF shielding that can help provide extra EMF shielding for part of the brain.
Best Upgrades Include EMF Shielding Face Masks
updated [6/17/24]
updated [6/17/24]

5G EMF Face Mask Non-Medical. EMF shielding face mask. Available in 3 colors. Products vary according to the color of the product. Read the website description for details.
Best Upgrades Including Wool Headbands

MERIWOOL Lightweight Reversible Merino Wool Headband for Women and Men. The is somewhat stretchy, is reversible, and comes in multiple colors. (Because it is usually stretched, it might slide off of multiple layers of headbands or hats with one layer stacked on top of another.)
Brain Shielding and Sound Shielding Research: Wool Absorbs Some Sound Waves
My brain shielding and sound shielding research leads me to believe that this product can provide additional shielding.
This is ONLY brain shielding and sound shielding research. It is NOT a product guarantee. Please use your own judgement in purchasing products from this store. I believe that this product will help some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time.
According to my brain shielding and sound shielding research, here is what I personally believe about some of the unadvertised by the seller benefits of this product. This is NOT a product guarantee.
This is a low cost product to test and see if this stretchy wool headband will improve your brainpower by shielding part of your brain from mind control sound energy waves. (Because it is usually stretched, it might slide off of multiple layers of brain shielding with one layer stacked on top of another.)
Brain shielding technology includes sound shielding and anti-vibration shielding, not just electronic and/or magnetic EMF/EMI shielding. Some mind control technology uses sound waves, including sound/sonic waves [20-20,000 Hz], ultrasound or ultrasonic sound waves [above 20,000 Hz], and/or infrasonic waves [under 20 Hz], instead of electronic waves and/or the magnetic part of electromagnetic waves to manipulate/control the human brain. If you hear nonverbal background noise in a soundbearm broadcast from a zapped hot fan or window fan or motor, the background noise might be mind control technology using sound waves in the audible sound spectrum. Silent sound spread spectrum mind control technology, capable of manipulating moods and emotions via cloning the emotions technology, uses both silent sound waves and ultrasonic waves [specifically 455 KHz and 469.5 KHz] to manipulate/control the human brain. The 1989/1992 patent for silent sound spread spectrum technology also references a 14,500 Hz silent sound technology silent sound wave. (While silent sound spread spectrum technology is very real, I have been unable to detect the patented 14,500 Hz silent sound wave using basic android apps sound analysis software.)
This stretchy wool headband is a good natural sound absorber that absorb some of the (according to the 1989 patent) 14,500 Hz silent sound that is propagated acoustically by silent sound spread spectrum mind control technology. The abstract or summary for patent US 5159703A for silent sound spread spectrum mind control technology claims that the technology is "...propagated acoustically or vibrationally, for inducement into the brain....". One scientific study claimed "it has been demonstrated that sheep wool is a good sound absorbing material at medium and high [acoustic] frequencies". This is sound shielding research, not a product guarantee.
Best Upgrades Including Wool Caps

Mcguire Gear Stretchy Wool Cap. In 3 Colors: Green, Black, or Navy. This stretchy wool cap will probably easily fit over EMF shielding, including lead rubber caps. Caution: Once this product stretches out, it probably does not shrink back to its orginal size. This product might/might not fit on your head, and once it stretches out it might be a little too large and stretchy without EMF shielding or caps underneath it.

New 100% wool beanie or watch cap. Verify that the product you select is 100% wool in the eBay description.
Brain Shielding Research on this wool beanie or watch cap.
My brain shielding, EMF shielding and sound shielding research leads me to believe that this product can provide additional shielding.
This is ONLY brain shielding, EMF shielding and sound shielding research. It is NOT a product guarantee. Please use your own judgement in purchasing products from this store. I believe that this product will help some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time.
According to my brain shielding, EMF shielding and sound shielding research, here is what I personally believe about some of the unadvertised by the seller benefits of this product. This is NOT a product guarantee.
Wool provides good quality sound shielding.
Verify that the product you select is 100% wool in the eBay description. Wool probably shields better than polyester. Caution: This product might/might not fit on your head before/after you add other EMF shielding. (I selected the stretchable filter in the eBay search, but some of these shrinkable wool caps might still be too small for you.) Even if it is too small to cover your head, you can still use it to shield a cheek. Caution: this product is vulnerable to shrinking when it is washed, so avoid washing it unless absolutely necessary and if you do wash it wash it very carefully to avoid shrinkage. 2 of these placed over your cheeks provide excellent soft safe cheek sound shielding that can even safely shield close to the eyes with stretchy magic scarves and/or quick release belt buckle straps to hold them tightly in place. Can cover over other head shielding and look natural. You can use it to 1) shield your head, 2) shield your cheeks (using 2 of them), and 3) test to see whether or not wool sound shielding for your brain improves your brainpower.
New wool scarf, preferably 100% wool (including 100% cashmere) from eBay. Can be used to wrap around the neck and/or face to and/or head to make your appearance look more natural and normal. If you can find any knitted/crocheted 100% wool (including 100% cashmere) scarves for an affordable price, they are breathable and they can also be used to cover your cheeks and mouth. Cashmere scarves are better quality, but might contribute more to potential overheating problems.
Best Upgrades Include Sheepskin or Shearling Ushanka Hats
updated [1/18/25]
updated [1/18/25]

Brain Shielding Research on this sheepskin or shearling Ushanka hat.
My brain shielding, EMF shielding and sound shielding research leads me to believe that this product can provide additional shielding.
This is ONLY brain shielding, EMF shielding and sound shielding research. It is NOT a product guarantee. Please use your own judgement in purchasing products from this store. I believe that this product will help some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time.
According to my brain shielding, EMF shielding and sound shielding research, here is what I personally believe about some of the unadvertised by the seller benefits of this product. This is NOT a product guarantee.
Wool provides good quality sound shielding
This product provides stronger sheilding than the much cheaper and lighter wool cap.
Best Upgrades Include Merino Wool Neck Gaiters
Brain Shielding Research: Brain shielding and sound shielding tips for targeted individuals
The strongest most flexible and easy to install, adjust, and remove product for shielding the face, the trigeminal nerve, and the trigeminal ganglion sensory neurons (and also the facial nerve and the geniculate ganglion sensory neurons) is probably a merino wool neck gaiter. Stretchy merino wool neck gaiters provide very light, strong, and compact quick-install quick-release cheek, face, trigeminal nerve, and trigeminal ganglion shielding. These products shield and/or absorb sound including silent sound spread spectrum mind control sound energy waves. These wool neck gaiters are very similar to and stronger and more expensive than polyester magic scarves.
See the section on magic scarves for tips on using merino wool neck gaiters.
Merino Wool Neck Gaiters for Sale
[1/6/24] Merino Wool Ski Neck Gaiter - Face Mask Neck Warmer for Men & Women from Available in more than 30 colors. also offers a wide selection of merino wool neck gaiters to choose from.
Best Upgrades Include Lead Rubber and X-ray Radiation Shielding: Thinking Caps, Shielding Vest, and Shielding Coat
X-ray protection lead rubber cap or hat for sale. Shields the frontal lobe of the brain. Can use 1 or 2 wool caps underneath it and one or more magic scarves to help it stay in place. Combinable with the larger hood, sold separately. You can also stack 2 of these caps on top of each other.

Classical Xray Hat, Radiation Cap, Dental Protective Hat 0.5mmpb Lead, Light Weight. Brand: Sy. Designed to shield against x-ray radiation.
updated [11/20/24]
Brain Shielding Research on this X-ray protection small lead rubber cap or hat.
My brain shielding and EMF shielding research leads me to believe that this product can provide additional shielding besides shielding against x-rays.
This is ONLY brain shielding and EMF shielding research. It is NOT a product guarantee. Please use your own judgement in purchasing products from this store. I believe that this product will help some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time.
According to my brain shielding and EMF shielding research, here is what I personally believe about some of the unadvertised by the seller benefits of this product. This is NOT a product guarantee.
This is a quick preassembled brain shielding choice to easily improve brain frontal lobe thinking brainpower (if EMF shielding helps you). A real brain shielding thinking cap to improve brainpower (if EMF shielding helps you). Shields the frontal lobe of the brain, the thinking part of the brain. Eventually, magnet shielding and/or 100% sound absorbing wool serge shielding can provide strong brain shielding, if you have the time and money for an eventual some home assembly required solution.
It is stackable. You can combine 2 thinking caps for increased brain shielding power for the frontal lobe of your brain. (But 2 caps might be a little harder to balance on your head and keep from falling off.)
Try for balanced brainpower brain shielding and get the small thinking cap first and the larger brain shielding hood second.
Caution: If you use this thinking cap ONLY, and you ONLY shield your forehead and your brain's frontal lobe and the sides of the top of your brain, but you do NOT shield the rest of your head and your brain with both an x-ray shielding hood and also alertness improving neck shielding and face shielding trigeminal sensory nerve shielding, you might have enhanced your brain's thinking power but not its focusing power, alertness, and/or resistance to trigeminal sensory facial nerve manipulation. You might notice that your thoughts are easily distractible and that your thoughts seem to wander too much. This small cap increases frontal lobe brainpower, while the larger hood shields most of the rest of the brain without shielding the frontal part of the frontal lobe thinking part of the brain or the neck. If you do not effectively shield your neck, you might feel slower, less alert, and/or more dazed. If you do not shield your face and your trigeminal sensory nerves in your face, you are more vulnerable to mind control energy waves that zap the trigeminal sensory nerves in your
You can shield your neck using both electromagnetic and sound shielding. Temporary low-strength sound shielding can be as simple as wrapping a towel around your neck. Stronger neck shielding includes both a magnet-shielding neck band and sound-absorbing fabric shielding...
You can eventually build stronger brain shielding, including EMF magnetic shielding and sound-absorbing sound shielding, for your brain, face and cheeks, and neck. This thinking cap is a relatively quick and easy first step. By the way, one nice upgrade is to buy 2 of these thinking caps and then start to fill the space between the 2 tops of the thinking caps with an assortment of multispectral EMF shielding, including magnet shielding and sound absorbing fabric.
[FYI, Infab sells an x-ray radiation cap called a "thinking cap", so maybe they also noticed some brainpower improvement from wearing x-ray radiation caps.]
A stretchy wool cap can cover over this cap and provide an outer layer of clothing with an improved and more normal appearance.
My experience as a brain-shielding mind control technology victim and targeted individual or TI in using this thinking cap almost every day is that it seems to work and provide some reliable limited brainshielding power and might partially shield against multiple types of mind control energy waves. Here are my speculations about its brainshielding power. I believe that both the lead (or comparable x-ray shielding metal) and the rubber in this lead rubber product probably help provide brain shielding. Designed to shield against x-rays. My personal experience in testing this is that it is a heavy cap that seems to provide some limited shielding against multiple types of mind control energy waves. In addition to shielding against x-rays, it might have some shielding power against different types of energy waves that might accidentally/deliberately interfere with brainpower.:
1. The electronic part of electronic or electromagnetic energy waves, including EMF/EMI/RF or microwave frequencies.
2. The magnetic part of electromagnetic energy waves. Since the shielding product does not contain ferrous metal, it has an unknown effect, possible little or no effect, in shielding against the magnetic part of an electromagnetic energy wave..
3. It might partially shield against a sound wave, including sonic (sound) and ultrasonic (aka ultrasound) high frequency sound waves.
4. The rubber might have some anti-vibration shielding capabilities.
5. I'm guessing that it has some shielding effect against silent sound spread spectrum mind control technology that uses ultrasonic and sonic energy waves and vibration waves.
Caution: Only the front, sides, and most of the rear of this cap is shielded. The top of the cap is unshielded.
Can be combined with the larger thinking cap that shields much of the brain and improves brain focus for an improved brainpower shielding that should provide both more brain thinking and brain focusing brainpower.. Also, 2 of these caps can be stacked on top of each other..
Caution: this cap is prone to falling off at times. Can use 1 or 2 wool caps underneath it and one or more magic scarves to help it stay in place.
[updated 11/20/24]
X-ray protection lead rubber hood for sale. Shields much of the brain, but not the frontal lobe. Can use a wool cap underneath it for comfort and one or more magic scarves to help it stay in place. Combinable with the smaller cap, sold separately.
X-ray Protection Lead Cap Hood with Thyroid Shield,Radiation Safety Leaded Protector Hat, for X-Ray MRI CT, 0.5mm Pb Blue. This product is designed to shield against x-rays.
updated [11/20/24]
Brain Shielding Research on this X-ray protection large lead rubber cap or hood.
My brain shielding and EMF shielding research leads me to believe that this product can provide additional shielding besides shielding against x-rays.
This is ONLY brain shielding and EMF shielding research. It is NOT a product guarantee. Please use your own judgement in purchasing products from this store. I believe that this product will help some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time.
According to my brain shielding and EMF shielding research, here is what I personally believe about some of the unadvertised by the seller benefits of this product. This is NOT a product guarantee.
This is a quick preassembled brain shielding choice to easily improve brainpower (if EMF shielding helps you). A real brain shielding thinking/focusing cap to improve the focusing power of the brain (if EMF shielding helps you). Shields much of the brain, but does not shield the front of the frontal lobe, the part of the brain involved in thinking.
X-ray Protection Lead Cap Hood with Thyroid Shield,Radiation Safety Leaded Protector Hat, for X-Ray MRI CT, 0.5mm Pb Blue. If EMF shielding works for you, then this is an excellent quick install quick release thinking/focusing cap, because it partially shields much of the brain from some of the brainpower-reducing, brain disabling, and/or mind controlling energy waves (including EMF/EMI/RF/sonic/ultrasonic energy waves). Caution: This product does not shield 100% of the brain. Brain shielding for the front of the forehead/frontal lobe and also brain shielding for the neck and the trigeminal nerves in the face is also important. (By the way, Infab Revolution labels their similar cap a "Thinking Cap", but the thinking cap for sale here covers and shields more of the brain than Infab Revolution's more expensive smaller thinking cap.) This effectively shields much more of the brain than the small cheaper lead rubber thinking cap also for sale at this store. Best for use at home in the privacy of one's own room. (I wear a similar/identical shinray cap (now out of stock) at home, not in public, as a quick install, quick release EMF shielding cap.) A magic scarf/polyester tube scarf over the bottom of it can help keep it in place and prevent it from accidentally falling off. I use this product daily at home, and it works for me. I suspect it provides some brain shielding from multiple types of mind control energy waves, although I have not tested and documented this. It is a little heavy, so if you use it by itself then you can pad it with one or 2 stretchy wool caps underneath it, and then a cotton cap underneath the wool cap(s) for additional padding and to avoid any body overheating that the wool caps preventing heat loss from my head might cause. (By the way, medieval armored knights wore padded helmet liners or caps, which make wearing helmets much more comfortable.) Then I add a magic scarf/polyester tube scarf at the bottom of my lead rubber cap to hold it in place.
Can be combined with the smaller thinking cap that shields the frontal lobe of the brain for an improved brainpower shielding that should provide both more brain thinking and brain focusing brainpower..
Caution: If you use this brain shielding thinking/focusing cap by itself, you will be shielding much of your brain with one prominent exception. You will not be shielding the front of your frontal lobe. This means that your mostly shielded brain will lack extra thinking power that your brain's undershielded frontal lobe will be unable to fully provide.
Caution: this hood is heavy and feels more comfortable in you pad it by wearing a wool cap underneath it . You can use one or more magic scarves to help it stay in place.
Caution: this cap is prone to falling off at times. Can use one or more magic scarves to help it stay in place.
[updated 11/20/24]
X-ray protection lead rubber shielding vest for sale. Size medium.

Or try to find the cheapest price for a size MEDIUM product at eBay. (Be sure to buy a matching/identical product that shields the chest, the back, and the sides.)
GDAE10 0.5mmpb X-Ray Protection Vest, Radiation Protective Lightweight Lead Apron Shield Clothing Waistcoat CT Suit Free size. Designed to shield against x-ray radiation.
Size: medium.
[updated 11/13/24]
X-ray protection lead rubber shielding vest for sale. Now available in size LARGE.

Or try to find the cheapest price for a size MEDIUM product at eBay. (Be sure to buy a product that shields the chest, the back, and the sides.)
X-ray Protective Lead Suit, Radiation Resistant Lead Vest Shield, Lightweight Upper Body Lead Apron for Adults(0.5mmpb,65x60cm). Designed to shield against x-ray radiation. Now available in size LARGE and in multiple lead equivalent shielding strengths (and probably therefore weights)..
[updated 11/20/24]
Brain Shielding Research on this X-ray protection lead rubber vest.
My brain shielding and EMF shielding research leads me to believe that this product can provide additional shielding besides shielding against x-rays.
This is ONLY brain shielding and EMF Shielding research. It is NOT a product guarantee. Please use your own judgement in purchasing products from this store. I believe that this product will help some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time.
According to my brain shielding and EMF shielding research, here is what I personally believe about some of the unadvertised by the seller benefits of this product. This is NOT a product guarantee.
This can be used as an underlayment brain shielding and EMF shielding vest underneath your shirt to shield your chest, back, spine, and sides. One advantage it has over the cheaper NcSTAR Discreet Plate Carrier is that it also shields the sides of your body against covert hi-tech mind control DEW (directed energy weapon) beams/zaps/force fields.
My experience is that this product helps shield against emotion-changing or mood setting mind control energy waves from silent sound spread spectrum mind control mood setting or cloning the emotion technology zaps/beams/force fields. In addition to its shielding your sides (unlike an NcSTAR Discreet Plate Carrier), it is also heavy and the heavy sensation might provide a stouter sort of heavily-armored sensation in your body.
As a targeted individual or TI who uses brain shielding myself, I noticed improved nerve or brain shielding of my chest, back, and sides when I tried it. It is stackable or combinable with other nerve or brain shielding for your chest, back, and sides. If you handle the vest carefully and avoid folding it, the lead rubber inserts will stay in place longer and it will last longer.
X-ray protection lead rubber shielding coat for sale, with long sleeves.

X-Ray Protection Apron Lead Radiation Protection Gel Coat 0.35mm pb Long Sleeve, size Medium. Designed to shield against x-ray radiation.
Size: medium.
[updated 11/20/24]
Brain Shielding Research on this X-ray protection lead rubber coat for sale with long sleeves.
My brain shielding and EMF shielding research leads me to believe that this product can provide additional shielding besides shielding against x-rays.
This is ONLY Brain Shielding and EMF Shielding research. It is NOT a product guarantee. Please use your own judgement in purchasing products from this store. I believe that this product will help some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time.
According to my Brain Shielding and EMF shielding research, here is what I personally believe about some of the unadvertised by the seller benefits of this product. This is NOT a product guarantee.
X-Ray Protection Apron Lead Radiation Protection Gel Coat 0.35mm pb Long Sleeve, size Medium. Designed to shield against x-ray radiation.
This is an excellent nerve or brain shielding EMF shielding quality medium size lead rubber coat that shields much of the body including shielding the arms. It is heavy. One advantage it has over the cheaper NcSTAR Discreet Plate Carrier is that it also shields the sides of your body against covert hi-tech mind control DEW (directed energy weapon) beams/zaps/force fields.
My experience is that this product helps shield against emotion-changing or mood setting mind control energy waves from silent sound spread spectrum mind control mood setting or cloning the emotion technology zaps/beams/force fields. In addition to its shielding your sides and the arms (unlike an NcSTAR Discreet Plate Carrier), it is also heavy and the heavy sensation might provide a stouter sort of heavily-armored sensation in your body.
As a targeted individual or TI who uses brain shielding myself, I noticed improved nerve or brain shielding of my chest, back, sides, and arms when I tried it. It is stackable or combinable with other nerve or brain shielding for your chest, back, sides, and arms.
It can be worn on top of the brain shielding and EMF shielding lead rubber vest for additional cumulative brain shielding and EMF shielding strength, and a plate carrier filled with brain shielding and EMF shielding can also be worn on top of this lead rubber brain shielding and EMF shielding coat. As a targeted individual or TI who uses brain shielding and EMF shielding myself, I noticed improved brain shielding and EMF shielding of my chest, back, sides, and arms when I tried it. It is stackable or combinable with other brain shileidng and EMF shielding for the chest, back, and sides, althouh it is bulky and heavy. If you handle the vest carefully and avoid folding it, the lead rubber inserts will stay in place longer and it will last longer.
Caution: I only use this brain shielding and EMF shielding lead rubber coat privately, not publicly, since it has an unusual appearance.
The EMF shielding lead rubber vest, on the other hand, can be worn in public as underlayment clothing underneath your shirt.
[updated 11/20/24]
Brain shielding tips for targeted individuals
Targeted individuals are a very small percentage of people who are being zapped by covert hi-tech mind control and/or covert hi-tech mind reading technology. This is advanced brain shielding and EMF shielding theory, not a product guarantee.
I believe that if you are targeted individual zapped by DEW directed energy weapons with mind control energy waves that disable your brain, remotely manipulate/control your brain, and/or wirelessly steal brainwave data thoughts from your brain, then
1. A lead rubber thinking cap will probably improve the brainpower of the part of the brain that the lead rubber thinking cap is physically shielding. In particular, you might notice an improvement in brain frontal lobe function if you wear the small lead rubber thinking cap.
2. A lead rubber thinking cap will not shield parts of the brain that the lead rubber thinking cap is not physically shielding. For example, the thinking cap will not produce the increased alertness that brain shielding. sound absorbing fabric, and/or EMF shielding for the neck and therefore the brainstem and possibly the basic reptilian brain part of the brain will probably produce. The smaller lead rubber thinking cap also does not produce the overall more focused/shielded sensation of a larger lead rubber thinking cap that covers most of your brain, or a larger lead rubber brain shielding and EMF shielding vest that shields the chest, back, spine, sides, and/or other parts of the body. The smaller less expensive affordable lead rubber thinking cap is not nearly as strong as the larger thinking cap, but the smaller lead rubber thinking cap can be used to test to see if a lead rubber brain shielding and EMF shielding thinking cap works for you. If the smaller lead rubber brain shielding and EMF shielding thinking cap works for you and improves your brainpower, then you'll probably want to upgrade to more expensive and powerful lead rubber brain shielding and EMF shielding products.
3. Caution: only partially shielding your brain might produce incomplete brain shielding. It is very possible to improve brain thinking power without improving brain alertness and while still suffering from parts of your brain being zapped partially disabled/slow/not fully alert or mind sharp. These lead rubber brain shielding and EMF shielding products can probably help, but they are only a small partial part of an optimal brain shielding and EMF shielding strategy that uses the combined cumulative effect of many brain shielding and EMF shielding products used at the same time to improve brainshielding and personal brainpower.
I believe experimenting with multiple brain shielding and EMF shielding products combined together to produce optimum brain shielding against multiple types of mind control energy waves might be your best bet for comprehensive brain shielding. Also, mixing and matching and mixing up layers of brain shielding including EMF shielding might produce some/all of these effects for targeted individuals:
1. Reduce the decibel strength
of a mind control DEW directed energy weapon or beam weapon zapping your brain (and/or reduce the decibels of any EMF or electromagnetic field and/or ultrasonic/sonic mind control energy waves) via cumulative brain shielding including EMF shielding, depending on your cumulative shielding ability to shield the shielded parts of your body from different types of mind control energy waves). [Caution: a zap targeting an unshielded/undershielded part of the body, for example the trigeminal nerves in the face and cheeks, or nerves in teh hands or elsewhere, can bypass or zap around brain shielding and EMF shielding.]
2. Change and rearrange DEW [directed energy weapon] or beam weapon targeting signatures but only in the parts of the body that are brain shielded and/or EMF shielded. (This might reduce the ability of covert mind control software operators to make very precise mind control zaps targeting precise parts of your brain. This might result in the targeting signature software sometimes partially/fully losing its ability to detect/target/track the EMF shielded (and.or ultrasonically shielded) target unless the mind control software operator increases beam weapon decibel strength and/or switches target location to a different part of your body, for example the cheeks, near the eyes, and/or hand and/or switches the mix of mind control energy waves (for exampe, reducing/eliminating the magnetic part of an EMF mind control energy wave to be less affected and less blocked by majnetic shielding, or increasing magentic field strength to beam through nonmagnetic or nonferrous EMF shielding, or adding more ultranasonic or sonic/sound waves to partially bypass EMF shielding altogether.)
Reduce the ability of mind-reading and/or remote neural monitoring (RNM) technology by better shielding your brain and your brainwaves against wireless brainwave data theft by reducing and/or distorting the electronic/electromagnetic [and/or ultrasonic] wave brainwave data somehow swiped from your brain's brainwaves by remote neural monitoring mind reading tech and make precise brainwave targeting and/or precise brainwave manipulation more difficult and might make remote neural monitoring and stealing a target's brainwaves and silent thoughts more difficult.
One EMF shielding product alone will not accomplish very high levels of EMF shielding, but a lot of EMF shielding products carefully combined together might accomplish higher levels of EMF shielding.
Caution: A mind control software operator can alter his zap pattern, for example, by reducing or increasing the magnetic field in a mind control energy wave in the initial mind control energy carrier wave (which is the often long distance EMF energy wave that the mind control EMF energy wave is added into and carried by), and this could produce an EMF mind control energy wave that could either 1) bypass nonmagnetic EMF shielding by using a stronger magnetic field, 2) partially bypass magnetic shielding and magnets by using a lower-strength magnetic field, and/or 3) partially byplass EMF shielding altogther by using mind control ultrasonic and/or sonic waves (produced by common pzieoelectric speakers, possibly rare strong ultrasonic transducers, and/or rare fish finders, and/or common loudspeakers, stero loudspeakers, etc.).
The software operator can also temporary or permanently increase zap power until a workable beam connection with electronic/ultrasonic feedback is obtained. This could temporary interfere with brainpower, Wi-FI, bluetoothj. Internet speed, USB mice and/or keyboards, computer function, etc.
There are also a variety of devices that could be operated near a targeted individual that I do not even want to list that could be used to intentionally, unintetionally, or even accidetally make an EMF, ultrasnoic, and/or sonic mind control enery wave worse if the technology is used, and potentially better if it is studiously avoided. (Hardening your anti-mind control defenses by avoiding/minimizing any amplification and/or ultrasonic transducing of energy waves can help.)
Outer Clothing Layer Appearance Improvers

Mcguire Gear Stretchy Wool Cap. In 3 Colors: Green, Black, or Navy. This stretchy wool cap will probably easily fit over EMF shielding, including lead rubber caps. Caution: Once this product stretches out, it probably does not shrink back to its orginal size. This product might/might not fit on your head, and once it stretches out it might be a little too large and stretchy without EMF shielding or caps underneath it.

New 100% wool beanie or watch cap. Verify that the product you select is 100% wool in the eBay description.
Brain Shielding Research on this wool beanie or watch cap.
My brain shielding, EMF shielding and sound shielding research leads me to believe that this product can provide additional shielding.
This is ONLY brain shielding, EMF shielding and sound shielding research. It is NOT a product guarantee. Please use your own judgement in purchasing products from this store. I believe that this product will help some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time.
According to my brain shielding, EMF shielding and sound shielding research, here is what I personally believe about some of the unadvertised by the seller benefits of this product. This is NOT a product guarantee.
Wool provides good quality sound shielding.
Verify that the product you select is 100% wool in the eBay description. Wool probably shields better than polyester. Caution: This product might/might not fit on your head before/after you add other EMF shielding. (I selected the stretchable filter in the eBay search, but some of these shrinkable wool caps might still be too small for you.) Even if it is too small to cover your head, you can still use it to shield a cheek. Caution: this product is vulnerable to shrinking when it is washed, so avoid washing it unless absolutely necessary and if you do wash it wash it very carefully to avoid shrinkage. 2 of these placed over your cheeks provide excellent soft safe cheek sound shielding that can even safely shield close to the eyes with stretchy magic scarves and/or quick release belt buckle straps to hold them tightly in place. Can cover over other head shielding and look natural. You can use it to 1) shield your head, 2) shield your cheeks (using 2 of them), and 3) test to see whether or not wool sound shielding for your brain improves your brainpower.
New wool scarf, preferably 100% wool (including 100% cashmere) from eBay. Can be used to wrap around the neck and/or face to and/or head to make your appearance look more natural and normal. If you can find any knitted/crocheted 100% wool (including 100% cashmere) scarves for an affordable price, they are breathable and they can also be used to cover your cheeks and mouth. Cashmere scarves are better quality, but might contribute more to potential overheating problems.
Best Upgrades Include Magnetic Shielding: MagnetRX Magnetic Therapy, Magnetic Shielding Metal, Faraday Fabric Tape, Duct Tape, and Magnets, Straps, Plate Carriers, and Cobaltex Fabric and Raypad.
MagnetRX Magnetic Therapy
Magnetic Shielding Metal
updated [2/19/23]
Faraday Fabric Tape
Duct Tape
Strong Neodymium Magnets for Connecting Metal Magnetic Shielding
[updated 11/21/24]
Straps with Quick-Release Buckles to Hold Pressure-Sensitive EMF Shielding Snugly in Place
Plate Carriers
[updated 6/25/23]
CobalTex EMF Magnetic Shielding Fabric and Raypad
[updated 12/22/24]
EMF magnetic shielding, including MagnetShield bands around the neck, head, belly, and arms, can really increase your EMF magnetic shielding strength. These parts need to be assembled and this upgrade requires some knowledge, money, assembly parts, and time. The discrete or covert plate carrier can be worn under your shirt and can allow you to discretely or covertly shield yourself using Giron and/or other EMF shielding for your chest and back and spine. (However, it is not 100% covert, because if you wear it, you will look bulkier in your chest and back.)
See the page on magnetic shielding using these strong EMF magnetic shielding parts.

Best Upgrades Include MagnetRX Magnetic Therapy

MagnetRX® 3X Strength Titanium Magnetic Bracelet – Magnetic Bracelets for Men – Premium Fold-Over Clasp & Adjustable Length with Sizing Tool (Black) from Available in 6 colors.
MagnetRX also offers a selection of MagnetRX Bracelets for men and women to choose from (including both titanium and copper magnetic therapy bracelets). (MagnetRX magnetic therapy bracelet magnetic strength is measured in gauss. The strongest magnetic therapy bracelets have a very high total magnetic gauss strength.)

MagnetRX® Ultra Strength Magnetic Anklet – Effective Magnetic Ankle Bracelets for Men – Titanium Mens Ankle Bracelet with 48 Magnets (Black) from
MagnetRX also offers a selection of MagnetRX Anklets for men and women to choose from (including both titanium and copper magnetic therapy bracelets). (MagnetRX magnetic therapy anklet magnetic strength is measured in gauss. The strongest magnetic therapy anklets have a very high total magnetic gauss strength.)
MagnetRX also offers a selection of their best selling products to choose from.
Brain Shielding EMF Magnetic Shielding Research on MagnetRX Magnetic Therapy
My brain shielding and EMF magnetic shielding research leads me to believe that these product can provide additional EMF magnetic shielding.
This is ONLY brain shielding and EMF magnetic shielding research. It is NOT a product guarantee. Please use your own judgement in purchasing products from this store. I believe that this product will help some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time.
According to my brain shielding and EMF magnetic shielding research, here is what I personally believe about some of the unadvertised by the seller benefits of this product. This is NOT a product guarantee.
The biggest advantage to the MagnetRX bracelets is that they are very quick and easy to use while you are mobile and in public and they look perfectly normal and perfectly professional. The biggest drawback is probably their cost, initial installation and adjustment time, their unfortunately limited effect, and possibly their amazing magnetic gauss strength increasing the target profile of the person wearing them.
Brand new MagnetRX bracelets are initially too large and require some time to shorten them to the right size. One they are properly shortened, then they are very quick and easy to use. Their strong magnetic therapy bracelet clasp is very easy to use.
I recommend trying one or two bracelets first to see if 1 or 2 magnetic therapy bracelets help, so you can spend your brain shielding shielding budget on what helps you the most.
Mind control energy waves can take 4 forms:
1. EMF electric waves.
2. EMF magnetic waves.
3. Sound/sonic waves, including infrasonic waves, sonic/sound waves, and ultrasonic waves.
Strong MagnetRX Magnetic Therapy bracelets and anklets can absorb some EMF magnetic energy, including some mind control magnetic energy waves, if any are present, and reduce the impact of any EMF magnetic mind control energy waves (if any) on your nerves and brain. These magnetic therapy products will ONLY absorb and shield against EMF magnetic energy including EMF magnetic mind control energy waves (if any mind control energy waves are present). While these products are absorbing EMF magnetic energy waves, they might absorb a very little EMF electric energy waves (including EMF electric mind control energy waves (if any are present) if they are beamed in an EMF electromagnetic wave that contains both EMF magnetic and EMF electronic energy waves. They will NOT effectively shield against
1) mind control EMF electronic energy waves (if any are present) that do NOT include any EMF magnetic energy waves,
2) mind control sonic/sound/infrasonic/ultrasonic energy waves (if any are present), and
3) mind control vibrational waves (if any are present).
Each type of mind control energy wave can be shielded against, absorbed, and/or reduced by brain shielding designed to shield against each of the 4 particular types of mind control energy waves.
Caution: MagnetRX Therapy products including bracelets and anklets, by providing very strong very high gauss magnetic shielding magnetic absorbing power, might increase the EMF magnetic shielding target profile of the person wearing the magnets. Also, if a human mind control EMF magnetic energy wave target adds MagnetRX Therapy bracelets and/or anklets to shield their brain and nerves by absorbing some mind control EMF magnetic energy waves, then a mind control worker in response might either increase the power of EMF magnetic mind control energy waves and/or shift to a different mind control energy wave form (for example, EMF electronic waves with less or NO EMF magnetic waves or sonic/infrasonic/ultrasonic waves) to beam through and/or around this EMF magnetic brain shielding mind control magnetic energy wave obstacle.
Caution: Magnetic EMF energy might be used in Remote Neural Monitoring or RNM and/or mind-reading technology. The addition or subtraction of a strong MagnetRX Therapy bracelet and/or anklet might change and/or increase or decrease the magnetic energy field (and/or change the number of active target electronic signatures that probable enable more or less of the mind controller's software to work) that is beamed back (probably either to the transmitting beam or to some RNM remote neural monitoring technology listening post probably south pole antenna). See point #2 under research on neodymium magnets for more info on this and my guess about how remote neural monitoring and mind reading technology might work. You could also google "mind control" "remote neural monitoring" (text/image search). and the 1974 Malech patent.
MagnetRX offers their own Magnetic Therapy Guide.
Given the amazing increase in electromagnetic fields and wireless communication in modern day society, there is some possibility that absorbing magnetic fields might provide some generic brain shielding against EMF magnetic waves and/or any hypothetically possible EMF magnetic energy wave pollution that did not originate in some covert mind control technology energy wave.
Best Upgrades Include CobalTex EMF Magnetic Shielding Fabric and Raypad
[updated 12/22/24]

CobalTex is an excellent metal cloth EMF magnetic shielding product. Rated at at a strong 65-80 dB tested over 30MHz to 1GHz. CobalTex is expensive, but it is lightweight mobile cloth EMF magnetic brain shielding. It is the best multipurpose EMF magnetic shielding fabric that I am aware of. Once it is washed without detergent a few times it is soft and easy to wear. However, it is probably not a breathable fabric, and it is vulnerable to losing a lot of EMF magnetic shielding power if you wash it using any detergent.
EMF Shielding Research: CobalTex EMF Shielding Ideas
Here are some of the ways you can use CobalTex fabric for EMF shielding:
1. Wrap 3 line feet per mostly double layer of CobalTex tightly and snugly around your head and neck and cheeks (and shoulders and spine) to provide excellent mobile EMF magnetic shielding (but probably not infrared heat shielding, sound shielding, or low ultrasonic EMF shielding) to your head, neck, and possibly part of your upper back and/or shoulders. You can hold it snugly and tightly in place over your head using magic scarves. The more your CobalTex EMF shielding covers, particularly your neck, checks, under your cheeks, your brow above your eyes, and near your eyes, the stronger your CobalTex EMF shielding will probably be.
2. Wash CobalTex first using no detergent to make it a soft, easy-to-wear fabric.
Caution: Only wash CobalTex in plain water using no detergent. Any detergent will quickly wash some of the metal out of the fabric and reduce its EMF magnetic shielding strength, so avoid using any detergent. Brand new CobalTex fabric is initially new and stiff but the first few use no detergent washes in the laundry machine gradually softens new CobalTex fabric and makes it less stiff, more comfortable and much easier to wear.
3. CobalTex is pressure-sensitive EMF magnetic brain shielding, and it needs to be pressed tightly against the skin (and/or presumably pressed against hair next to the skin) to be as fully effective as possible. You can hold it snugly and tightly in place over your head using magic scarves.
Because CobalTex it is pressure-sensitive EMF magnetic brain shielding, wearing a stretchy magic scarf or a balaclava or wool cap over it should increase its EMF brain shielding power.
5. Wearing any tight-fitting stretchy cap over it should increase its EMF magnetic brain shielding power.
An additional magic scarf can be used to keep the CobalTex covering and shielding your cheeks. Also try to safely shield around your eyes as tightly as possible (using safe cloth fabric only to avoid any risk of eye injury) for increased EMF brain shielding power.
7. An quick release buckle strap can hold CobalTex and/or other EMF shielding in place.
8. You can wrap CobalTex around your neck for additional EMF magnetic shielding power.
9. You can wrap CobalTex around your cheeks and under your cheeks and over the top of your head for additional EMF magnetic shielding power. You can hold it snugly and tightly in place over the side of your cheeks using a magic scarf.
10. You can wear it as a tunic, a short tunic/mini-cape/shoulder shielding, and/or a long tunic underneath your regular clothing. An quick release buckle strap and/or hair pins can hold it in place.
Caution: While it is a strong shielding fabric, it might not be a breathable fabric. It might produce mild skin problems.
Caution: When used as a tunic, it might be prone to slipping out of position, and thus periodically reducing its strong EMF magnetic shielding power. (If someone zapping you has tuned his zap power to your strongest EMF shielding and your EMF magnetic shielding power keeps slipping, this can be a problem that requires intermittent readjustment of your CobalTex EMF magnetic shielding to restore its full EMF shielding power.)
11. You can also create and privately use an EMF magnetic shielding powerful CobalTex small eye and face mask, medium eye and face mask, and/or large eye and face mask. A CobalTex small eye and face mask involves using 6-12 inches of CobalTex fabric and cutting eye holes in it, and wearing it all at near eye level and above. A CobalTex medium/large eye and face mask involves using a 12-18 inches of CobalTex fabric and then carefully cutting eyeholes, a nose hole, and a small/large mouth hole in it. Then you can tie your CobalTex small/medium/large eye and face mask around your head, shielding your face. The back end of it can be held in place by tying the 2 ends together (caution, they sometimes slip) or holding it in place with a snug-fitting stretchy magic scarf.
If you wear glasses, the CobalTex shielding might be designed to attach to the glasses (with 2 small eyeholes) or it might be designed to fit over the glasses (with eyeglass holes enlarged enough to easily slide the glasses in and out of the CobalTex eye and face mask.
Caution: While this 12"-18" CobalTex face mask works well and improves EMF shielding, at least the large 18" face mask probably does not provide a good public appearance, so you'll probably want to use this CobalTex EMF shielding in private only.
12. CobalTex can also be wrapped around your body, as a head wrap, neck wrap, cheek wrap, arm wrap, wrist wrap, hand wrap, leg wrap, and/or foot wrap. However, unless it is tightly secured with a buckle strap, velcro hook and loop strap, and/or tight fitting clothing, it might become loose and intermittently lose some EMF shielding power and/or fall out.
13. CobalTex can be used as extra spot shielding. If you can identify where the beam weapon zap is most impacting your brain, for example your cheeks, or forehead, or neck, or hands, or wrist, you can add more CobalTex to shield the zapped vulnerable spot(s) to provide more instant EMF magnetic brain shielding power right where you need it now. Sometimes a little extra CobalTex spot shielding can go a long way towards EMF shielding your brain and improving your brainpower.
Caution: Do not remove EMF shielding including CobalTex that is tightly fitted in place. You will probably accidentally reduce your EMF shielding power.
Caution: If possible, particularly if you are a secondary target, try to covertly upgrade your personal EMF shielding when no when is actively mind-reading your thoughts. You want to avoid a mind control software operator increasing the mind control zap power against you.
14. You can try placing CobalTex on the seat and/or back of any chair that you use and see if that helps shield you. However, please be careful to avoid leaving valuable EMF shielding material in an unsecure location where it might be vulnerable to theft.
15. You could also try using it as a thin 42 inch wide EMF shielding blanket and use it when you are awake and/or trying to sleep.

RayPad provides extremely powerful flexible lightweight EMF magnetic foam shielding. Rated at at an amazingly strong 100-139 dB. It is also very expensive. Compared to RayPad, EMF shielding metal provides stronger EMF magnetic shielding, but EMF shielding metal is much heavier.
EMF Shielding Research: RayPad EMF Shielding Ideas
While RayPad is amazing powerful, please remember that it is most effective when pressed tightly against the skin.
RayPad might offer a wide EMF spectrum range of magnetic EMF magnetic shielding, plus possibly some stealth EMF magnetic shielding since the EMF magnetic shielding metal-soaked RayPad foam might weaken/blur/backscatter/diffuse an EMF signal. The foam in the RayPad might provide some limited low frequency EMF sound wave and/or low ultrasonic frequency EMF magnetic shielding. The EMF magnetic shielding metals soaked into the RayPad foam might also provide some infrared shielding.
Best Upgrades Include Earplugs
Sound Shielding Research on earplugs.
Caution: In order to fully block sonic/ultrasonic/infrasonic mind control energy waves, ear plugs are NOT enough. You need sound absorbing shielding that could include sound absorbing brain shielding, clothing, sound absorbers, and bedding. Since sonic/ultrasonic/infrasonic mind control energy waves can affect the brain, trigeminal nerves and trigeminal ganglions, nerves, and the body in a variety of ways, including bone conduction into the brain and sonic/ultrasonic/infrasonic mind control energy waves affecting the trigeminal nerves and trigeminal ganglions.
Flents Ear Plugs, 10 Pair with Case, Ear Plugs for Sleeping, Snoring, Loud Noise, Traveling, Concerts, Construction, & Studying, Contour to Ears, NRR 29.. Good quality. Earplugs under normal circumstances provide some sound shielding for your ears.
Flents Ear Plugs also offer a wide variety of ear plugs to choose from..
Sound Shielding Research on earplugs.
My brain shielding and sound shielding research leads me to believe that this product can provide additional shielding.
This is ONLY brain shielding and sound shielding research. It is NOT a product guarantee. Please use your own judgement in purchasing products from this store. I believe that this product will help some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time.
According to my brain shielding and sound shielding research, here is what I personally believe about some of the unadvertised by the seller benefits of this product. This is NOT a product guarantee.
Caution: under abnormal circumstances where electronic and/or ultrasonic harassment is involved, some electronic and/or sonic/ultrasonic/infrasonic harassment and/or mind control technology can circumvent ear plugs. For example, sound/sonic energy waves (including mind control sound/sonic/ultrasonic/infrasonic energy waves) can enter the brain via bone conduction, they can affect the trigeminal nerves in the face and the trigeminal ganglions, and also affect the body's skin and nerves, and some theories claim that skin conduction or soft tissue conduction of sound is also possible. Sound/sonic/infrasonic waves can bounce around repeatedly (usually at relatively short range compared to long range EMF energy waves) and travel though small spaces. Also, the ear plugs are NOT designed to block ultrasonic (or infrasonic) waves or EMF electronic or EMF magnetic waves. In some cases, ear plugs might amplify or make audible transmitted via heterodyned ultrasonic [over 20,000 Hz] and/or higher frequency sonic waves [under 20,000 Hz]..
Best Upgrades Include Sound Absorbing Acoustic Fabric

Sound Absorbing Acoustic Fabric. The best quality (with NRC and SAA ratings of around 1.0 or better) includes Memorable Velour, Magic Velour, and Wool Serge.
Brain Shielding and Sound Shielding Research: Brain Shielding Includes Sound Shielding
Brain shielding technology includes sound shielding and anti-vibration shielding, not just electronic and/or magnetic EMF/EMI shielding. Some mind control technology uses sound waves, including sound/sonic waves [20-20,000 Hz], ultrasound or ultrasonic sound waves [above 20,000 Hz], and/or infrasonic waves [under 20 Hz], instead of electronic waves and/or the magnetic part of electromagnetic waves to manipulate/control the human brain. If you hear nonverbal background noise in a soundbearm broadcast from a zapped hot fan or window fan or motor, the background noise might be mind control technology using sound waves in the audible sound spectrum. Silent sound spread spectrum mind control technology, capable of manipulating moods and emotions via cloning the emotions technology, uses both silent sound waves and ultrasonic waves [specifically 455 KHz and 469.5 KHz] to manipulate/control the human brain. The 1989/1992 patent for silent sound spread spectrum technology also references a 14,500 Hz silent sound technology silent sound wave. (While silent sound spread spectrum technology is very real, I have been unable to detect the patented 14,500 Hz silent sound wave using basic android apps sound analysis software.)
Some fabrics are rated at reducing and/or absorbing 100% of all sound at some sound frequencies. These sound absorbing fabrics, rated at NRC (noise reduction coefficient) and SAA (Sound Absorption Average) of 1.0 or better at some frequencies, offer an excellent opportunity to shield your head, brain, ears, neck, cheeks, and skin from silent sound spread spectrum mind control technology and/or any technology using sound waves to manipulate, control, and/or disable a human's brain. Wrapping some of this fabric around your head and your neck will probably noticeably help shield against silent sound spread spectrum mind control technology sound waves if these mind control silent sound waves are present in your environment.
Best Upgrades Include Area Sound/Acoustic Absorbers and/or Shielding: Sound Absorbers
[updated 11/13/24]
[updated 11/13/24]
NRC: 0.91. A thicker and stronger but smaller 12"x12"x0.5" option. 1/2" thick, not 3/8' thick.
BXI Thickened Sound Absorbing Panels - 12 Pack 12 X 12 X 0.5 Inches Dense Acoustic Panels, Echo Noise Reducing Sound Panels, Tackable Studio Panels for Wall and Ceiling Acoustic Treatment. Available in multiple colors. A thicker and stronger but smaller 12"x12"x0.5" sound absorber option. 1/2" thick, not 3/8' thick. (Alternately, you could also try taping 2 3/8" thick sound absorbers tightly together to produce a stronger 3/4" thick sound absorption per square foot effect.)
[updated 11/13/24]
NRC: 0.87. 6 pack of 31.5" X 23.6" X 3/8" sound absorbers.
BXI Sound Absorber - 31.5 X 23.6 X 3/8 Inches 6 Pack High Density Acoustic Absorption Panel, Sound Absorbing Panels Reduce Echo Reverb, Tackable Acoustic Panels for Wall and Ceiling Acoustic Treatment. These are larger but less thick than the thicker and stronger 1/2" BXI thickened sound absorber panels (which can be taped together to make a large sound absorber).
Best Upgrades Include Wool Pillows, Sound Absorbers
[updated 11/17/24]
[updated 11/17/24]

Yatas Bedding Superwashed Wool Pillow, King. A low cost wool pillow. Available in King size or Queen size.
[updated 11/17/24]

WOOLROOM Deluxe Washable Wool Pillow (US King) - Adjustable Breathable Temperature Regulating Hypoallergenic Natural British Wool Bed Pillow - Feather/Down Alternative - Champagne (W20 x L36in). A deluxe wool pillow. Avaialable in king size, queen size, and standard size. Woolroom also has a wide variety of wool bedding.
Brain Shielding and Sound Shielding Research: Wool Absorbs Some Sound Waves
Brain shielding technology includes sound shielding and anti-vibration shielding, not just electronic and/or magnetic EMF/EMI shielding. Some mind control technology uses sound waves, including sound/sonic waves [20-20,000 Hz], ultrasound or ultrasonic sound waves [above 20,000 Hz], and/or infrasonic waves [under 20 Hz], instead of electronic waves and/or the magnetic part of electromagnetic waves to manipulate/control the human brain. If you hear nonverbal background noise in a soundbearm broadcast from a zapped hot fan or window fan or motor, the background noise might be mind control technology using sound waves in the audible sound spectrum. Silent sound spread spectrum mind control technology, capable of manipulating moods and emotions via cloning the emotions technology, uses both silent sound waves and ultrasonic waves [specifically 455 KHz and 469.5 KHz] to manipulate/control the human brain. The 1989/1992 patent for silent sound spread spectrum technology also references a 14,500 Hz silent sound technology silent sound wave. (While silent sound spread spectrum technology is very real, I have been unable to detect the patented 14,500 Hz silent sound wave using basic android apps sound analysis software.)
Wool fill for a pillow and the wool pillow cover are good natural sound absorbers that absorb some of the (according to the 1989 patent) 14,500 Hz silent sound that is propagated acoustically by silent sound spread spectrum mind control technology. The abstract or summary for patent US 5159703A for silent sound spread spectrum mind control technology claims that the technology is "...propagated acoustically or vibrationally, for inducement into the brain....". One scientific study claimed "it has been demonstrated that sheep wool is a good sound absorbing material at medium and high [acoustic] frequencies". This is sound shielding research, not a product guarantee.
Best Upgrades Include Shock Absorbing Insoles
[updated 12/22/24]
[updated 12/22/24]

Dr. Scholl’s Extra Comfort Support Insoles Men, Size 8-14, 1 Pair: All-Day Comfort Shoe Inserts with Massaging Gel for Big & Tall Men, 200lbs+, Wide Feet - Arch Support Inserts for Men, Trim to Fit.
Brain Shielding Research: Anti-Vibration Shielding
According to my anti-vibration shielding research, this product has some surprising advantages. This insole has some shock absorbing properties that probably reduce vulnerability to covert mind control manipulation technology by partially shielding an individual using it from any vibrations (aka vibes) in the floor. The abstract or summary for patent US 5159703A for silent sound spread spectrum mind control technology claims that the technology is "...propagated acoustically or vibrationally, for inducement into the brain....". This is anti-vibration shielding research, not a product guarantee.
Best Upgrades Include Anti-Vibration/Vibration Reduction Shielding, a Shower Mat

Rzoysia Extra Large Shower Mat, 3/5 Inch Thick for Shower Stall and Textured Bathtub, Quick Drying Bath Mat with Drain, 27.5 x 24 Inches. Available in multiple colors and sizes. Be sure to select the exact color and size you want. I recommend grey. I recommend 27.5 x 24 inches for the best shower mat size. According to the product description, "Our mat is 3/5 inch, it far beyond the thickness of other loofah mats."
Brain Shielding Research: Anti-Vibration Shielding
According to my anti-vibration shielding research, this product has some surprising advantages. This thick shower mat has some anti-vibration or vibration reduction properties that reduce vulnerability to covert mind control manipulation technology by partially shielding an individual using it from any vibrations (aka vibes) in the floor. The abstract or summary for patent US 5159703A for silent sound spread spectrum mind control technology claims that the technology is "...propagated acoustically or vibrationally, for inducement into the brain....". This thick shower mat makes an individual less vulnerable to mind control technology vibrations (aka vibes) from the shower stall floor or bathtub floor when the individual is not wearing EMF shielding and/or sound shielding/absorbing clothing while taking a shower. This is anti-vibration shielding research, not a product guarantee.
Best Upgrades Include Filtering out EMI in Your Household Electricity, an EMI Filter

Stetzerizer Filter, Model: GS-F110-A, Electronic Store. From Dirty household electricity EMI filter.

Stetzer Filter. From Dirty household electricity EMI filter.
EMF Shielding Research: Filtering out EMI in Your Household Electricity
The covert op mind control workers beaming me strongly complained at least twice about Stetzerizer dirty electricity EMI filtering and EMI reduction technology. I assume that if they don't like it, then it is probably very helpful to mind control technology victims, but not mind control technology workers, who might object to losing some decibel power in their mind reading and/or mind control software.
Radio waves and probably microwaves prefer metal antennas and they will travel along electrical wiring. This filter reduces the ability of your household or office electrical supply wiring system to act like a giant antenna for beamed in EMF radio frequency and/or microwave frequency beams by filtering out and reducing some of the high frequency EMI or electromagnetic interference.
This EMI filter, designed to filter out dirty electricity, also might dampen or reduce the input and/or the output decibel strength of mind control technology, if any, in your EMI in your house wiring near where each EMI filter is installed. It could take up to 4 or more filters to cover a room or 20 or more EMF filters to cover an entire house. You can start by adding one or more Stetzerizer filters and see if it makes any difference.
Please be aware that providing EMI filtering for electrical household wiring, a smart move to the extent that you need it and can afford it, filters and shields just one of many ways covert mind control technology energy weapons can or theoretically could zap, impact, and manipulate human targets.
EMF energy waves used by covert mind control technology can spread in a variety of ways. Trying to filter out EMI from household electricity that might include mind control technology EMI energy waves is just one way to try to shield against covert mind reading and mind control manipulation. Other ways, including shielding yourself, other people, chairs, beds, walls, floors, and any electromagnetically zapped hot items can also include:
1. EMF shielding against incoming energy hi-frequency mind control technology carrier wave beams, usually probably from a spy satellite or a weaponized cell phone tower, but possibly also from other sources. (These other sources could theoretically include, for example, an imsi-catcher or stingray or a short range AM or FM transmitter, or even a nearby loudspeaker utilizing silent sound spread spectrum technology.)
2. EMF shielding against silent sound spread spectrum technology, by using sound shielding to shield against 14,500 Hz silent sound waves, electromagnetic shielding to shield against heterodyned silent sound carrier waves, sometimes at 455 KHz. and using anti-vibration shielding on the floor, on seats, and possibly bedding and/or furniture.
3. EMF shielding against brain disabling EDOM, or electronic dissolution of memory, and RHIC-EDOM technology, possibly including blocking/reducing it at the walls and/or ceiling with aluminum and/or other shielding, and possibly trying to block it with aluminum foil and/or EMF shielding metal at the point of it impacting and partially disabling your brain.
4. Trying to avoid or cope with silent sound and/or other technology beaming in to the intermediate frequency of most AM radio (455 KHz), narrowband FM radio, and/or TV, and utilizing radio, TV, and/or stereo speakers to beam silent sound spread spectrum technology at targets.
5. Using electronic communication technology cell phone transmitters and/or satellite transponders to beam into a specific cell phone transmitter and/or satellite transponder. I don't know if Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi 6, and/or Bluetooth are also vulnerable to being zapped, and how easy or hard it is to get data signatures from a human target and start tracking the human target independently of his location and/or data communication cell phone transmitters and/or satellite transponders.
If you are being zapped by hi-tech covert beam weapon mind control and/or mind reading and/or remote sensing technology, this filter might help accomplish 1-3 of these goals:
1. Possible partial limited shielding against remote sensing wireless EMF brainwave theft (including theft of your private thoughts). This filter might reduce the ability of a remote sensing beam weapon system to use your house wiring as an electrical antenna or EMF collection plate in its attempt to gather electrical data from a remote sensing DEW (or directed energy weapon) beam that a remote sensing DEW EMF beam weapon (or satellite remote sensing DEW EMF beam weapon or cell phone tower weaponized DEW EMF remote sensing beam) might first beam into your targeted brain (to swipe brain wave data) with a resulting electromagnetic field after being modified by the target's brain waves then flowing into electrical wiring and/or a special antenna system that is used to electronically retrieve the swiped brainwave data. Household electrical wiring easily conducts and transmits electrical waves or EMF at a wide variety of frequencies, not just the American standard of 120 volts at 60 hertz. (This might theoretically make very rare low decibel low strength electronic mind reading and/or remote sensing slightly more difficult or maybe even sometimes temporarily impossible at low decibel EMF beam strength but not at high decibel EMF beam strength. If you are an important target, mind control software operators might increase the strength of their DEW EMF beam trying to find you and retrieve your brainwave data, but if you are a lower value or secondary target they might not notice that you avoided or somehow electromagnetically shielded yourself against their swiping your brain waves.)
2. I'm speculating that it might or might not also decrease beam weapon decibel attack strength if the house wiring system is in any way used in the beam weapon attack against the targeted individual and/or electronics like an AC or alternating current DC power supply connecting an electronic device to household AC wiring power supply, a computer's power supply, a computer, an android computer's power supply, and/or an android computer. [I have not tested this yet.]
3. This is probably one way to probably slightly reduce a room's or building's electronic target profile.
This EMF shielding is distinctly different than EMF shielding shielding a person and EMF shielding a chair or a room or a building against airborne EMF waves, airborne silent sound waves, and vibes vibrating though the floor and furniture, because electricity transmitted by household or office electrical power supply wires can bypass room or building EMF and/or sound shielding defenses.
You can try this product one filter at a time, and you'll probably eventually want more than one. (However,before you buy this product in quantity, you will probably first want to spread out your EMF shielding money to first shield your body and then try multiple EMF shielding options.)
Caution: This filter partially shields and reduces some high EMI frequencies in the household electrical wiring. It does not shield computer internet network cable and it does not shield cable TV coaxial cable.
Caution: You probably will not notice any immediate results from adding just one filter or even more than one filter. The specialized shielding effects of these filters are cumulative, depending on how many filters you are using.
Caution: Using this and other EMF shielding for electrical wiring (including network cables and cable TV coaxial cables) could backfire if this forces a beam weapon operator to increase remote sensing beam weapon strength in his attempt to generate a usable wireless EMF return signal including either a target signature, target signatures, and/or a usable EMF data signal (with, for example, brainwaves that reveal one's electronically wirelessly swiped private thoughts) and you have accidentally heavily shielded against EMF signature detection and EMF mind reading tech by heavily shielding your electrical wiring without also heavily shielding your brain and body from mind control attack from EMF beam weapon technology at the same time. (At low decibel low DEW EMF beam weapon zap strength, you might be at least temporarily electronically undetectable by and invisible to, not detectable with any known EMF signature by, and not mind readable by a mind control tech DEW beam weapon software operator, but at higher decibel higher strength DEW EMF beam weapon zap strength you might be detectable, noticeable, mind-read, and zapped way too hard by mind control technology.) Another locating a target tactic that I suspect some mind control software operators use is to first beam at very high decibel strength to establish a wireless electronic mind-reading and/or tracking connection, and then try reducing the beam weapon strength once a connection is established to under the maximum decibel level that the mind control software operators want to use.
Caution: Becoming partially or even completely undetectable by and electronically invisible to a beam weapon operator is not the same as the targeted parts of your body being heavily EMF shielded. If you are already zapped you will probably still be transpondered and zapped from a beam already zapping you and/or your room/house/office while the beam weapon operators are having a hard time detecting target signatures and/or usable electronic beam data from a DEW EMF remote sensing beam that 1) zaps your brain (and/or central nervous system and/or nerves), 2) might or might not piggyback a free ride on house wiring, computer internet cable, and/or coaxial cable, and/or a metal object used as a EMF signal collection plate, and 3) gets detected and provides usable electronic data (probably including an electronic targeting signature) to some electronic listening post (that might or not be nicknamed "south pole" and might or might not look like an indoor/outdoor satellite TV radar antenna transmitting/receiving dish pointed at your room or house, not the sky. (For satellite TV radar antenna dish aiming comparison, some but not all communication satellites are in geosynchronous stationary orbit 22,236 miles above the equator. Much more precise proper satellite TV radar antenna dish aiming info is on the Internet.)
Best Upgrades Include Personal Organization: Planning, a Calendar Planner
[updated 11/13/24]
[updated 11/13/24]

AT-A-GLANCE 2025 Monthly Planner, 8" x 10", Large, Black (701300524) from
Best Upgrades Include Sleep Trackers and Activity Monitors, Beautyrest Sleeptracker and Fitbit

Beautyrest Sleeptracker Monitor from
Excellent quality sleeptracker monitor with a sleeptracker monitor that you keep under your pillow. This quality product only tracks sleep.
Storing sleep data on the Internet for more than 1 year (as evidence, for example, of lost sleep from electronic harassment) will cost approx. $30/year after for the first 12-13 months.
[updated 12/20/24]

Fitbit Sense 2 from Fitbit also offers a wide variety of activity and sleep trackers..
Excellent quality activity tracker and good quality sleep monitor with an excellent quality fitbit android app.
Best Upgrades Include Temperature and Humidity Monitors and Data Loggers, a Temperature Monitor

Govee Hygrometer Thermometer H5075, Bluetooth Indoor Room Temperature Monitor Greenhouse Thermometer with Remote App Control, Notification Alerts, 2 Years Data Storage Export. This device can monitor, display, and save and data log temperature and humidity on an hourly, daily, weekly monthly, and yearly basis for wherever you place the thermometer. You might place your thermometer in your room, refrigerator, home, with your gear, etc. Data logging uses Bluetooth technology and an android app to update the logged data. You can use multiple monitors. You can also buy more expensive Govee Wi-Fi monitors.
Best Upgrades Include Anti-Toothache Pain Medicine (a nerve numbing gel that my research claims should also reduce or block mind-controlled toothache pain), a Painkilling Tooth Gel

Orajel 4X for Toothache & Gum Pain: Severe Cream Tube 0.33oz- From Oral Pain Relief Brand.
Brain Shielding Research: Anti-Toothache Pain Medicine
According to my anti-toothache pain brain shielding research, this pain-killing gel should be able to block both conventional and mind control energy wave-induced toothache pain. Even if the nervous system pain sensation is artificially induced via hi-tech mind control energy waves (probably Silent Sound Spread Spectrum technology, that uses ultrasonic and sonic/sound waves and vibration waves and might also use EMF electic and/or EMF magnetic waves), applying anti-pain gel to the part of your gums that feels like it is hurting should work to reduce or eliminate the toothache pain.
The abstract or summary for patent US 5159703A for silent sound spread spectrum mind control technology claims that the technology is "...propagated acoustically or vibrationally, for inducement into the brain....". I also suspect that this technology might be also use EMF electric and EMF manetic energy waves.
By the way, the gate control theory of pain describes how non-painful sensations can override and reduce painful sensations.of pain.
Best Upgrades Include EMF Detection and Monitoring, an EMF Meter

Advanced EMF Meter GQ EMF-390 3-in-1 EMF ELF RF Meter, 5G Cell Tower Smart Meter WiFi Signal Detector RF up to 10GHz with Data Logger and 2.5Ghz Spectrum Analyzer. Read EMF, RF and EF at same screen at once.
Best Upgrades Include Sound Analyzer Basic/Pro, a Sound Spectrum Analyzer Android App

Sound Analyzer Basic, a free android app, or Sound Analyzer Pro, an inexpensive android app.
Copyright © 2025 by Ed Harding.