Brain Shielding Best Products Nootropics LessEMF X-ray Shielding Magnetic Shielding Sounds and Vibes Empowerment Boosters/Nootropics, EMF/EMI Shielding, and Sounds and Vibes Shielding for Improved Brainpower.
Will EMF Brain Shielding Help You?
Best Individual Economical Cost-Effective Brain Shielding Upgrades, Nootropics, and Empowerment Upgrades Including Brain Boosters/Nootropics, Merino Wool Neck Gaiters, Magic Scarves, EMF Shielding Face Masks, Lead Rubber or X-Ray Shielding: Thinking Caps, Shielding Vest, and Shielding Coat, SmartShield, Magnetic Shielding, MagnetRx Magnetic Therapy, CobalTex, Sound Absorbing Acoustic Fabric, Sound Absorbers,Calendar Planner, Wool Pillow, Shower Mat, EMI Filter, a Temperature Monitor.and an EMF Monitor.
Nootropics: Brain Boosters or Nootropics.
EMF Brain Shielding at, and Strong EMF Brain Shielding Fabrics.
Lead Rubber and X-ray Radiation Shielding: Thinking Caps, Shielding Vest, and Shielding Coat, and Outer Clothing Layer Appearance Improvers.
Magnetic Shielding: MagnetRX Magnetic Therapy, Straps, Plate Carriers, Magnetic Shielding Metal, Duct Tape, and Magnets.
Sounds and Vibes: Sound Absorbing Acoustic Fabric and Wool Clothing, Sound Absorbers, and Anti-Vibration.
Empowerment: COVID-19_Survival_Supplies, Sleep Trackers, Activity Trackers and Sleep Trackers, Alarm Clock, Planning, Finances and Budgeting, and Free EMF Detection and Logging Android Software.
Sounds and Vibes: Sound Absorbers and/or Shielding and Anti-Vibration or Vibration Reducing Shielding
Brainshielding challenge: 1989-1992 patent US 5159703A for silent sound spread spectrum mind control technology
[updated 6/25/23]
Sound Absorbing Acoustic Fabric and also Wool Clothing
updated [7/11/23]
Area Sound/Acoustic Absorbers/Shielding: Sound Absorbers
updated [11/21/24]
Anti-Vibration Shielding: Area Anti-Fatigue/Anti-Vibration/Impact Absorption/Decoupling/Isolation Pads. Also Electrostatic Discharge/ESD/Dielectric Pads. Underlayment, etc.
This website includes some paid links. (When you click on links to various merchants on this store website and make a purchase, this can result in this site earning a commission. Affiliate programs and affiliations include, but are not limited to, the eBay Partner Network.)

EMF brain shielding is a helpful innovation that some individuals might be able to use
to increase their brainpower. |
Brainshielding challenge: 1989/1992 patent US 5159703A for silent sound spread spectrum mind control technology
[updated 6/25/23]
The abstract or summary for 1989/1992 patent US 5159703A for silent sound spread spectrum mind control technology claims that the technology is "...propagated acoustically or vibrationally, for inducement into the brain...." The 1989-1992 patent repeatedly mentions that one silent sound spread spectrum energy wave frequency is at 14,500Hz, This means that both sound absorption and anti-vibration or vibration reduction technology can partially shield against and reduce the impact of the silent sound spread spectrum 14,500Hz silent mind control energy waves.
Caution: Silent sound spread spectrum technology broadcast at 455kHz might, worst case, be able to, as the most common intermediate frequency for most AM radios and most FM narrowband radios and also an intermediate frequency in some FM radios, automatically beam into most AM radios, most narrowband FM radios, and some FM radios, including alarm clocks and stereo system radio receivers and components, regardless of what radio frequency they are tuned to and silently broadcast 14,500Hz mind control signals. 1989-1992 patent US 5159703A repeatedly mentions that one silent sound spread spectrum energy wave frequency is at 14,500Hz and mentions a carrier oscillator wave of 455kHz and a heterodyne [carrier] oscillator wave of 469.5kHz. 455KHz is the most common intermediate frequency for most AM radios and most FM narrowband radios and is also an intermediate frequency in some FM radios. Also, ultrasonic transducers can produce 455KHz carrier waves. I suspect that, in the worst case, a 455KHz silent sound spread spectrum broadcast from a 455KHz ultrasonic transducer might transmit to AM radios, FM narrowband radios, and some FM radios as an intermediate frequency and the AM/FM radio loudspeakers might automatically transmit silent 14,500Hz mind control energy waves. Also, a 455KHz and a 469.5KHz carrier wave frequency and/or 14,500Hz frequency might affect small/medium/large loudspeakers that would also transmit 14,500Hz silent sound mind control waves.
Caution: The 14,500Hz Silent Sound Spread Spectrum mind control technology frequency, patent US 5159703A, can be broadcast by loudspeakers and/or ultrasonic transducers. "...the output of the system can be fed directly into an audio amplifier and its speaker/earphone system, Public Address system, etc." The 1989-1992 patent also claims that the use of 14,500Hz energy wave allows the technology to "produce a useful output power from home entertainment type cassette or reel-to-reel magnetic recorders." In theory,using silent sound spread spectrum mind control technology (1989-1992 patent US 5159703A) could be as easy as playing a tape or CD with a pre-recorded message and/or a live 14,500Hz signal from mind control workers into a loudspeaker pointed at a target.
In theory, it could be as complicated as beaming a heterodyned 455KHz and 469.5KHz subliminal message into a speaker or loudspeaker system in a store, office, or home, including public announcement speakers, AM/FM/narrowband FM radio speakers, stereo speakers, TV speakers, portable speakers, and AM/FM radio alarm clock speakers.
Frequencies, for example 14,500Hz and 455kHz, can be in either one of 2 types of energy waves: electromagnetic energy waves and sound/sonic/ultrasonic/infrasonic (and/or vibration) energy waves (also known as mechanical energy waves). An ultrasonic transducer, possibly a piezoelectric ultrasonic transducer, can switch electromagnetic energy waves into ultrasonic energy waves and vice-versa. Electromagnetic energy waves can also be converted into sound using speakers (like a stereo system's loudspeakers) and sound waves can also be converted into electromagnetic waves using microphones. Electricity and electromagnetic energy waves travel easily, while ultrasonic transmissions might have much shorter ranges and sonic or sound waves usually have limited distances. (In comparison, cell phone towers have an estimated range of up to 45 miles, and many large satellites are parked in geostationary orbit 22,236 miles above the earth's equator.) Silent sound is a sound wave that is only perceivable to the human ear and brain subconsciously, and it is used for non-detectable subliminal communication and covert mind control technology.
Given the unproven suspicion that silent sound spread spectrum technology can silently beam into many AM/narrowband FM/FM radios and the 1989-1992 patent US 5159703A's claim that silent sound can be broadcast via speaker/or ultrasonic transducer, possible brainshielding countermeasures might include:
1. Shutting off the TV, AM/narrowband FM/FM radio, stereo, stereo speakers, computer internet browser's tab/window/software program, and/or computer speaker. (This is even more self-evident if the audio sound track is also electronically sabotaged.) Optionally switching off their power supply strip or unplugging them might help and allow them to untransponder. (It will also save you money by avoiding the electricity cost of what is called standby power and is also called a variety of colorful names (including ghost power, vampire power, and phantom power) that is used by electrical appliances that are plugged in but unused. (In particular, you probably do not want to leave high wattage or high power stereo speakers on and leave them connected to a live AM/narrowband FM/FM radio tuner so that a covert op mind control worker broadcasting a 455KHz intermediate AM/narrowband FM/FM radio signal might be able, in theory, to use mind control technology against you using your own stereo, your own AM/narrowband FM/FM stereo radio receiver, your own stereo amplifier, and your own possibly expensive possibly good quality possibly high wattage and high power stereo speakers.)
2. Switching to an alarm clock without any sort of AM/Narrowband FM/FM radio, or at least leave your current alarm clock radio turned off.
3. Stop using any stereo system component with a built-in AM/FM/Narrowband FM radio, or at least leave the radio turned off.
4. Trying to use EMF magnetic shielding to shield any loudspeakers from full/partial wireless beam takeover of their function. Also, some loudspeakers are now sold that are at least lightly magnetically shielded.. (Some loudspeakers, possibly using non-standard CODECs, possibly using USB, possibly using Bluetooth or WI-FI, might be able to avoid at least for now either broadcasting silent sound spread spectrum mind control subliminals and/or wireless remote control and sound sabotage (and maybe even the alleged ability of mind control workers to electronically zap and steal broadcast sound from loudspeakers using wireless remote control and remote monitoring of a target's loudspeaker, but I am unfamiliar with any of the possible details.)
5. Turning loudspeakers off when they are not in use or shutting off their electrical power.
6. Shutting down the electrical power to some appliances at night to give them time to untransponder. (This also saves some electricity.)
7. Using EMF shielding, sound shielding, sound absorbing, and/or anti-vibration or vibration reduction brain shielding technology. This is also called acoustic quieting.
8. It might theoretically be possible to filter out the offending frequencies in wiring using software, computer hardware, electronics, and/or wiring filters and/or to try to reduce their strength using cheap magnet filters.
9. It might be theoretically possible to shut down a particular offending or offensive mind control technology broadcast.
10. In rare cases, if you are actively being mind read, it might be possible to silently think of better emotions or moodsettings for silent sound spread spectrum cloning the emotions technology to be set at.
11. While you're at it, you might want to shut off your cell phone when it is not in use to avoid possible active cell phone tracking from a cell phone tower or IMSI catcher/stingray.
Caution: even after taking some or all of these precautionary steps, you can probably still get zapped with silent sound spread spectrum mind control technology anyway. But if you harden your brainshielding defenses and lower your target profile, you might get zapped from less technologies by avoiding AM/narrowband FM/FM radio use and not leaving high power stereo speakers connected to a live AM/narrowband FM/FM radio receiver, you might/might not get zapped at lower strength, you might get zapped less often, and you might have less zap sources to worry about if and when you are zapped.
If you are a secondary or accidental target, mind control workers might not bother to modify their zap strength and/or zap pattern in order to electronically broadcast to you, mind read you, and/or attempt to use mind control technology to remotely manipulate your brain waves. If you are a primary or high value target, mind controllers might increase their zap strength and/or switch zap patterns to maintain what is, from their viewpoint, an important (although very unfortunately often intrusive, abusive, privacy violating, time wasting, sleep depriving, brainpower depriving, manipulative, and argumentive and/or accusatory) high tech connection.
The 1989 patent US 5159703A for silent sound spread spectrum mind control technology claims it is "A silent communications system, comprising: (a) a combination of amplitude and frequency modulated carrier means for generating signals located in non-aural portions of the audio and in the lower portion of the ultrasonic frequency spectrum, said signals modulated with information to be perceived by a listener's brain, and (b) acoustic and ultrasonic transducer means for propagating said signals, for inducement into the brain of the listener; (c) recording means for storing said modulated signals on mechanical, magnetic and optical media for delayed or repeated transmissions to the listener." "amplitude and frequency modulated" means AM or FM.
By the way, if this info is helpful to you, please consider making a donation to help share and maintain this EMF shielding brainshielding info.
Sound Absorbing Acoustic Fabric and also Wool Clothing
Brain Shielding, Sound and Vibration Shielding, and EMF Shielding Research on Sound Absorbing Acoustic Fabric and Wool Clothing
Will sound absorbing shielding help you? You can test this by wrapping a thick plush towel around your neck. You can also test this by placing a thick plush towel around your head, ears, and/or cheeks. If you notice an improvement in your brainpower, then sound absorbing fabric should help. You can also test this by temporarily trying a wool clothing item as a sound shielding substitute for a thick plush towel, and/or trying on a wool garment (like a wool shirt or wool sweater) to see if you notice a brainpower improvement.
The ears appear to be very sensitive to silent sound spread spectrum technology. Shielding the ears very very well might be key to more easily shielding against silent sound spread spectrum mind control technology. I am still researching this point. Please consider making a donation to help my research. My first guess is that the ears, designed to hear and interpret sound waves, might be the most or one of the most vulnerable spots if someone is under mind control manipulation by silent sound spread spectrum mind control technology.
Caution: shielding your ears also usually reduces your ability to hear normal sounds, conversation, computer loudspeakers, TV loudspeakers, etc..
Sound absorption fabrics shield against sound waves at at least some sound wave frequencies. Sound absorbing fabrics are probably not anti-vibration. Cotton does NOT shield against EMF electronic waves, while polyester might shield a very little against EMF electronic waves. My personal experience has been that wool normally shields best against mind control energy waves (probably sound waves and ultrasound/ultrasonic waves only), but retains heat and might cause overheating. I have also noticed non velour cotton-polyester sheets shield better than non-velour 100% cotton sheets. In order to thoroughly shield against mind control energy waves that could take the form of sound waves, vibrations, electronic waves, and the magnetic part of electromagnetic waves, you would need:
1. Sound shielding. (Sold here in this sound and vibes products section.)
2. Anti-vibration shielding.
2. EMF electronic wave shielding. (CobalTex fabric might work a little. Aluminum foil. and/or SmartSHIELD would work.)
3. Magnetic shielding. (CobalTex fabric and MagnetShield metal would work).
Some fabrics are rated at reducing and/or absorbing 100% of all sound at some sound frequencies. These sound absorbing fabrics, rated at NRC (noise reduction coefficient) and SAA (Sound Absorption Average) of 1.0 or better at some frequencies, offer an excellent opportunity to shield your head, brain, ears, neck, cheeks, and skin from silent sound spread spectrum mind control technology and/or any technology using sound waves to manipulate, control, and/or disable a human's brain. Wrapping some of this fabric around your head will probably noticeably help shield against silent sound spread spectrum mind control technology sound waves if these mind control sound waves are present in your environment.
These sound absorbing fabrics offer various trade-offs. A cotton velour fabric named "memorable" is probably your best sound absorbing fabric clothing choice. It is a thicker than normal velour fabric. "Magic" velour is heavier and bulkier. "Wool Serge" offers the advantages and disadvantages of wool, which normally is much better than cotton in overall brainshielding (including sound shielding and ultrasonic/ultrasound shielding but probably not any EMF shielding). Polyester or cotton-polyester might offer a very little EMF shielding too.
If wrapping a cotton towel around your neck, head, ears, and/or cheeks helps by shielding your brain from some hi-tech brain-disabling sound waves, these excellent sound absorbing fabrics are the best upgrade from using a thick plush cotton towel around your neck. Other products, including wool clothing, should help, but these sound absorbing fabrics are tested and rated as having high NRC (noise reduction coefficient) and SAA (Sound Absorption Average) at certain frequencies. Try using sound absorbing fabric with the best NRC and SAA ratings of 1.0 or better for the best results.
Sound absorbing acoustic fabric can also be used as a sound absorbing bedsheet, a sound absorbing chair cover, a sound absorbing tablecloth, sound absorbing curtains, etc.
You can also try wool clothing including wool sweaters to see if they help shield you from silent sound spread spectrum mind control sound waves.
Caution: Wool clothes are not rated for sound absorption or NRC or SAA. Results might vary a lot.
Sound Absorbing Acoustical Fabrics for Sale

Multiple stores sell multiple good quality acoustic fabric. See sound absorption vs. frequency ratings for the best sound-absorbing fabrics and the KM fabrics master fabric comparison sheet. Product selection and prices vary, so shop around. These products and stores include:
Acoustical Fabrics (offering a wider selection of fabrics) from However, they only offer Magic Velour and Wool Serge in click and shop options in one color, black. (Wool Serge at $27/yard is probably the cheapest price for wool serge.) Here are the important noise shielding ratings or sound absorption vs. frequency ratings for the best sound-absorbing fabrics, including NRC (noise reduction coefficient) and SAA (Sound Absorption Average) for their fabrics.
Acoustical Fabrics, including 32 Oz Magic Velour are available in many colors from Wool Serge is only available in gray.
Acoustical Fabrics, including Memorable Velour, Magic Velour, and other sound absorbing acoustic fabrics are available in many colors from Georgia Stage. Wool serge is only available in gray. They offer a master fabric comparison sheet.
Sound Absorbing Acoustical Fabrics including 118" Black Sound Shock FR in black only, 63" Sound Shock® 26 oz. FR, and Memorable and Magic Velour, but not Wool Serge, from
There are some discounted acoustical fabrics for sale from Cheaper but weaker sound absorbing fabric.
(My opinion: You might buy 1 or yards to test sound absorbing acoustic fabric here, and then upgrade to the best sound absorbing acoustic fabric if it helps you. 2 layers of weaker sound absorbing shielding might be as good as one layer of stronger sound absorbing shielding, but probably too bulky and/or too weak compared to the best products.)
Caution: some of the fabrics advertised as sound absorbing don't produce a noticeable brainshielding improvement. Try the best, forget the rest.
If you find this sound absorbing acoustic fabric for sale data helpful to you, please consider making a donation to 

Cautionary Brain Shielding Research on Wool Clothing for Sale
You can also try wool clothing including wool sweaters to see if they help shield you from silent sound spread spectrum mind control sound waves.
Caution: Wool clothes are not rated for sound absorption or NRC (noise reduction coefficient) and SAA (Sound Absorption Average). Results might vary a lot. I noticed good brain shielding (presumably sound shielding) results from at least one wool blend sweater, but individual results may vary.
Wool Clothing for Sale [not certified as sound absorbing, might be too warm to wear and might cause overheating.]
Wool Clothing at offers a large selection of wool clothing, including an expensive wool clothing product line called smartwool.

Mcguire Gear Stretchy Wool Cap. In 3 Colors: Green, Black, or Navy.
Brain Shielding Research on the Mcquire Gear Stretchy Wool Cap
This stretchy wool cap will probably easily fit over other brain shielding clothing, including lead rubber caps. Caution: Once this product stretches out, it probably does not shrink back to its orginal size. This product might/might not fit on your head, and once it stretches out it might be a little too large and stretchy without other brain shielding or caps underneath it. It is probably primarily an outer clothing layer appearance improver. It might also offer provide some very minimal sound absorbing.

New 100% wool beanie or watch cap. Verify that the product you select is 100% wool in the eBay description.
Brain Shielding Research on this wool beanie or watch cap
My brain shielding, EMF shielding and sound shielding research leads me to believe that this product can provide additional shielding.
This is ONLY brain shielding, EMF shielding and sound shielding research. It is NOT a product guarantee. Please use your own judgement in purchasing products from this store. I believe that this product will help some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time.
According to my brain shielding, EMF shielding and sound shielding research, here is what I personally believe about some of the unadvertised by the seller benefits of this product. This is NOT a product guarantee.
Wool provides good quality sound shielding.
Verify that the product you select is 100% wool in the eBay description. Wool probably shields better than polyester. Caution: This product might/might not fit on your head before/after you add other EMF shielding. (I selected the stretchable filter in the eBay search, but some of these shrinkable wool caps might still be too small for you.) Even if it is too small to cover your head, you can still use it to shield a cheek. Caution: this product is vulnerable to shrinking when it is washed, so avoid washing it unless absolutely necessary and if you do wash it wash it very carefully to avoid shrinkage. 2 of these placed over your cheeks provide excellent soft safe cheek sound shielding that can even safely shield close to the eyes with stretchy magic scarves and/or quick release belt buckle straps to hold them tightly in place. Can cover over other head shielding and look natural. You can use it to 1) shield your head, 2) shield your cheeks (using 2 of them), and 3) test to see whether or not wool sound shielding for your brain improves your brainpower.

New Wool Blend Tube Scarf from eBay.
Brain Shielding Research on this wool blend tube scarf.
My brain shielding and sound shielding research leads me to believe that this product can provide additional shielding.
This is ONLY brain shielding and sound shielding research. It is NOT a product guarantee. Please use your own judgement in purchasing products from this store. I believe that this product will help some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time.
According to my brain shielding and sound shielding research, here is what I personally believe about some of the unadvertised by the seller benefits of this product. This is NOT a product guarantee.
Wool provides good quality sound shielding.
New Wool Blend Tube Scarf from eBay. These are effective but they can also contribute to overheating and they are vulnerable to shrinking. I now recommend that you try one or more magic scarves instead for quick install quick release face and cheek shielding. Caution: this wool product is vulnerable to shrinking when washed. This heavy wool product, that has the disadvantage of being too hot, particularly in the summer, has multiple ways it can be used:
1. In a cold winter climate, it could be used as an outdoor heavy tube scarf, with the tube fitting around the neck. (If and when it shrinks, this is no longer an option.)
2. If the tube scarf fits around your neck (before it shrinks any), it could be used to slide up over your cheeks and shield your cheeks very quickly. This allows you to almost instantly shield your face. This can provide heavy strong quick-install quick-release cheek and face shielding at the cost of wearing some very heavy wintertime neck shielding. (At this point, I am recommending using much lighter and smaller magic scarves instead for quick install quick release face and cheek shielding.)
3. It can be wrapped around the head and/or neck as extra sound absorber brain shielding. It provides some thick wool sound absorber brain shielding, and it will continue to provide thick wool sound absorbing brain shielding even if it shrinks.
For neck shielding, this tube sock provides a heavy wool neck shielding option that could be replaced by lighter neck shielding, including one or more magic scarves, stretch nomex, CobalTex, and/or a military clothing neck gaiter that uses fire resistant advanced protective fabric.
Caution: this product is vulnerable to shrinking when it is washed, so avoid washing it unless absolutely necessary and if you do wash it wash it very carefully to avoid shrinkage.
New wool scarf, preferably 100% wool (including 100% cashmere) from eBay. Can be used to wrap around the neck and/or face to and/or head to make your appearance look more natural and normal. If you can find any knitted/crocheted 100% wool (including 100% cashmere) scarves for an affordable price, they are breathable and they can also be used to cover your cheeks and mouth. Cashmere scarves are better quality, but might contribute more to potential overheating problems.
Area Sound/Acoustic Absorbers and/or Shielding: Sound Absorbers
[updated 11/21/24]
[updated 6/13/24]
NRC: 0.91. A thicker and stronger but smaller 12"x12"x0.5" option. 1/2" thick, not 3/8' thick.
BXI Thickened Sound Absorbing Panels - 12 Pack 12 X 12 X 0.5 Inches Dense Acoustic Panels, Echo Noise Reducing Sound Panels, Tackable Studio Panels for Wall and Ceiling Acoustic Treatment. Available in multiple colors. A thicker and stronger but smaller 12"x12"x0.5" sound absorber option. 1/2" thick, not 3/8' thick. Alternately, you could also tape 2 3/8" thick sound absorbers tightly together to produce a stronger 3/4" thick sound absorption per square foot effect.
[updated 11/21/24]
NRC: 0.87. 6 pack of 31.5" X 23.6" X 3/8" sound absorbers.
BXI Sound Absorber - 31.5 X 23.6 X 3/8 Inches 6 Pack High Density Acoustic Absorption Panel, Sound Absorbing Panels Reduce Echo Reverb, Tackable Acoustic Panels for Wall and Ceiling Acoustic Treatment. These are larger but less thick than the thicker and stronger 1/2" BXI thickened sound absorber panels (which can be taped together to make a large sound absorber).
[updated 6/25/23]
I recommend buying a $5 peacemaker sample pack from the manufacturer.
Brain Shielding, Sound and Vibration Shielding, and EMF Shielding Research on the $5 Peacemaker Sample Pack
My brain shielding, sound and vibration shielding, and EMF shielding research leads me to believe that this product can provide additional shielding.
This is ONLY brain shielding, sound and vibration shielding, and EMF shielding research. It is NOT a product guarantee. Please use your own judgement in purchasing products from this store. I believe that this product will help some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time.
According to my brain shielding and EMF shielding research, here is what I personally believe about some of the unadvertised by the seller benefits of this product. This is NOT a product guarantee.
I recommend buying a $5 peacemaker sample pack from the manufacturer. When you get it, try testing the thinner 3.2mm sound absorbing version (not the thicker 6.4mm version) of the 2 peacemaker sample products that are made from recycled tire rubber to see if it shields your cheeks. I tested it (by placing it tightly against my cheeks) and I found it to be the best nonmetal EMF shielding that I have found so far to shield my cheeks. After I tested it, then I bought 2'x25' of the peacemaker 3.2mm (not 6.4mm) shielding.)
Next try testing the anti-vibration or vibration reducing underlayment shielding potential of both types of EMF shielding by placing both samples on either a bare hardwood floor or on a tile floor [usually found in kitchens and bathrooms). The peacemaker 6.4mm version provides excellent anti-vibration shielding but poor EMF shielding against zaps from the air, while the peacemaker 3.2mm version provides excellent EMF shielding including some sound shielding from zaps from the air but lower quality anti-vibration shielding when placed on the floor. (By the way, save the samples. The peacemaker 3.2mm samples make excellent cheek shields (although the best cheek shields are larger).)
[updated 6/25/23]
2' x 25' or 4'x25'.
Audimute Peacemaker 3.2mm Sound Barrier - 3.2mm Soundproofing Sound Barrier (2' x 25') or 4'x25'. You can also buy a $5 sample pack from the manufacturer.
Brain Shielding, Sound and Vibration Shielding, and EMF Shielding Research on the Peacemaker 3.2mm Sound Barrier
My brain shielding and EMF shielding research leads me to believe that this product can provide additional shielding.
This is ONLY brain shielding and EMF shielding research. It is NOT a product guarantee. Please use your own judgement in purchasing products from this store. I believe that this product will help some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time.
According to my brain shielding and EMF shielding research, here is what I personally believe about some of the unadvertised by the seller benefits of this product. This is NOT a product guarantee.
Audimute Peacemaker 3.2mm Sound Barrier - 3.2mm Soundproofing Sound Barrier (2' x 25') or 4'x25'. You can also buy a $5 sample pack from the manufacturer. At the moment, this is my favorite cheek shield, based on my testing it and discovering that it is the best nonmetal EMF shielding that I have found so far for my cheeks. I have tested and researched this product, and I have my research theories (that are not product guarantees, just research theories) on how it might work and how it can help.
Caution: It might effectively absorb some silent sound spectrum spectrum sound waves and/or electromagnetic waves and turn some of the absorbed waves into vibration waves that can still produce some negative effects via vibration instead of sound. This possible drawback might make peacemaker 6.4mm underlayment a much better choice for floor underlayment. In contrast, some other sound shielding underlayment, like quietwalk, probably does not absorb EMF carrier electromagnetic waves and/or EMF electromagnetic waves, and simply reduces and/or absorbs sound waves (and probably silent sound spread spectrum waves in the sound wave or sonic 20Hz-20,000Hz sonic range or at least in the 100Hz-20,000Hz sonic range) and probably provides at least a little anti-vibrational shielding. (I have not tested peacemaker 3.2mm vs. quietwalk or other underlayment that is not made from recycled tire rubber.)
[updated 11/21/24]
Techno Floor Acoustic - 4' x 25' - 100 SF Acoustic Underlayment - Soundproofing, Sound Reflecting Flooring Underlayment. This product is thinner, lighter, and cheaper than peacemaker 3.2mm sound absorber and peacemaker 6.4mm anti-vibration underlayment.
Brain Shielding, Sound and Vibration Shielding, and EMF Shielding Research on Techo Floor Acoustic Underlayment
My brain shielding and EMF shielding research leads me to believe that this product can provide additional shielding.
This is ONLY brain shielding and EMF shielding research. It is NOT a product guarantee. Please use your own judgement in purchasing products from this store. I believe that this product will help some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time.
According to my brain shielding and EMF shielding research, here is what I personally believe about some of the unadvertised by the seller benefits of this product. This is NOT a product guarantee.
Techno Floor Acoustic - 4' x 25' - 100 SF Acoustic Underlayment - Soundproofing, Sound Reflecting Flooring Underlayment. This product is thinner, lighter, and cheaper than peacemaker 3.2mm sound absorber and peacemaker 6.4mm anti-vibration underlayment. One side is very smooth. It shields sounds well and is rated at FIIC 68. At least one website claims it is made from recycled tire rubber. The black recycled tire rubber in techno floor acoustic is thinner than the recycled tire rubber in peacemaker 3.2mm sound absorber and has much lower anti-vibration strength than Peacemaker 6.4mm underlayment, but it has some nice cheap uses:
1. It
can be used as cheap quick underlayment. (Caution: it is also low anti-vibration strength.)
2. It can be stacked on top of other underlayment, even itself.
3. A 4" by 48" or a 6" by 48" strip of Techno Floor Acoustic, folded over on itself to produce a thickness of at least 4 layers in thickness, can be used as cheek guards, held in place by 1 or 2: magic scarves and possibly MagnetShield metal EMF shielding at the bottom.
4. 2 separate layers of Techno Floor Acoustic, thicker where they fit over the top the head, and thinner where they fit in front on the ears with space to fit and keep eyeglass side pieces behind the ears, can shield the top of the head and shield the temples and under the eyeglass side pieces, with a magic scarf holding the techno floor acoustic in place over the head and over the temples and over the top of the cheeks and also fitting under the jaw. Additional layers of Techno Floor Acoustic can also fit over the top and sides of your head.
Brain Shielding, Sound and Vibration Shielding, and EMF Shielding Research on Peacemaker 3.2mm Sound Barrier and Techno Floor Acoustic Recycled Tire Rubber Sound Absorbing Underlayment.
Both of these products have some interesting brain shielding strength. This strength might be primarily from shielding against silent sound spread spectrum energy waves (some of which are at 14,500Hz according to patent US 5159703A for silent sound spread spectrum mind control technology. However, one or both products might provide some shielding in the infrasonic/infrasound spectrum (0-20Hz), the low infrasonic range (20,000-40,000 Hz or more), and they might provide some vibrational shielding, and the carbon in them might provide a very little shielding against RF/microwave mind control carrier wave frequencies. (According to for patent US 5159703A for silent sound spread spectrum mind control technology, one mind control carrier wave for silent sound spread spectrum is 455KHz).
1. Peacemaker 3.2mm makes an excellent brain shielding shield for the cheeks. It blocks and/or absorbs sound, and it probably has other currently undocumented features. I am speculating that these additional features (besides blocking and/or absorbing sound) might include maybe some some anti-vibration or vibration reduction strength, and possibly some low strength sound shielding against airborne infrasonic/infrasound waves, ultrasonic waves, and/or maybe even a very little shielding against RF and/or microwaves. It is also probably low loss dielectric, and it probably absorbs electrical energy. It also absorbed some electromagnetic/silent sound spread spectrum energy waves in my testing when I connected it to a ferrous metal filing cabinet with the north pole of a magnet taped between the peacemaker 3.2mm and the ferrous metal filing cabinet pointing towards the ferrous metal filing cabinet. I believe it might be a very low multispectral EMF/EMI/RF/microwave absorber, because of its high carbon content including carbon black and carbon steel, the electrical insulator properties of natural rubber, maybe its low loss dielectric properties, and also some scientific studies.
Caution: It might effectively absorb some silent sound spectrum spectrum sound waves and/or electromagnetic waves and turn some of the absorbed waves into vibration waves that can still produce some negative effects via vibration instead of sound. This possible drawback might make peacemaker 6.4mm underlayment a much better choice for floor underlayment. In contrast, some other sound shielding underlayment, like quietwalk, probably does not absorb EMF carrier electromagnetic waves and/or EMF electromagnetic waves, and simply reduces and/or absorbs sound waves (and probably silent sound spread spectrum waves in the sound wave or sonic 20Hz-20,000Hz sonic range or at least in the 100Hz-20,000Hz sonic range) and probably provides at least a little anti-vibrational shielding. (I have not tested peacemaker 3.2mm vs. quietwalk or other underlayment that is not made from recycled tire rubber.)
2. Techno Floor Acoustic, Strong acoustic or sound shielding underlayment manufactured from high density recycled tire rubber with high carbon content.
My current revised understanding of using underlayment to shield floors now focuses first on anti-vibration shielding. Techno Floor Acoustic is a very cheap and relatively weak anti-vibration vibration reducer, while Peacemaker 6.4mm is a more expensive much stronger and effective anti-vibration or vibration reducing product.
These products can be used to shield your head, your neck, your cheeks, and any part of the body that you can cover with them using clothing like a discrete plate carrier and/or webbing straps. They can also be taped or connected by magnets taped onto them to MagnetShield or Giron to provide more multispectral shielding.
While anti-vibration shielding should shield the floor, peacemaker 3.2mm sound absorber could in theory be placed on the walls, but you might have some difficulty in keeping the flexible recycled tire rubber product attached to the walls. Peacemaker 3.2mm sound absorber can also be placed on the top and sides of air conditioners, filing cabinets, room dividers, and any shielded enclosures.
You can try testing using peacemaker 3.2mm sound absorber placed at the top and sides but not the bottom of an actively beamed object to try to absorb/reduce/dampen the suspected microwave/RF carrier wave and/or sound beam inputs to (allegedly from spy satellites and/or possibly hijacked/hacked/weaponized cell phone towers and/or IMSI catchers/stingrays) and the suspected sound beam/infrasound/RF/microwave outputs from an actively beamed object, like a window air conditioner or a motor or fan that a sound beam is generating a voice from. At the bottom of the the actively zapped object, place peacemaker 6.4mm to shield the floor from any vibrations or vibrational energy that the object might produce. Caution: at this point, I am not sure that peacemaker 3.2mm will shield against or reduce/dampen the hi-frequency inputs of a zapped hot object, like an air conditioner or window fan. Using magnets to drain some of the energy into peacemaker 3.2mm shielding might help, but it might also increase the radar target profile of the item being beamed and shielded. Sound absorbers can also be used to shield against the suspected outputs from a window air conditioner or fan or motor that acts as a sound beam amplifier and produces sound (or heterodyned ultrasonic sound above 20,000Hz) that you hear and possibly silent sound spread spectrum and/or other mind control beams that you don't hear that are at least sometimes beamed in the sonic/sound spectrum. The abstract or summary for patent US 5159703A for silent sound spread spectrum mind control technology claims that the technology is "...propagated acoustically or vibrationally, for inducement into the brain...."
Try testing peacemaker 3.2mm sound absorber held in place by taped magnets around ferrous metal filing cabinets and ferrous metal objects. My preliminary testing shows some surprising EMF shielding gains by connecting peacemaker 3.2mm recycled tire rubber using magnets (with the north pole of the magnets facing the ferrous metal and in between the ferrous metal and the peacemaker 3.2mm recycled tire rubber sound absorber and taped to the probably low loss dielectric peacemaker 3.2mm recycled tire rubber sound absorber) to any filing cabinet ferrous metal flat space that is next to the area that you are trying to shield. My preliminary theory is that the probably low loss dielectric peacemaker 3.2mm recycled tire rubber sound absorber absorbs some of the carrier wave zapping the metal, and some of the electromagnetic waves (carrier waves and/or mind control signal electromagnetic waves carried in the carried waves) reflected by and/or emitted by the flat metal object. RF waves might have a strong preference for metal objects that would act as an antenna for both RF or radiofrequency waves and microwaves. Try testing this yourself. (Maybe a precise configuration of peacemaker 3.2mm recycled tire rubber touching and taped to a magnet with the north pole of the magnet facing and touching a ferrous metal filing cabinet and/or MagnetShield or Giron pulls the magnetic strength into the RF/microwave absorbing peacemaker 3.2mm recycled tire rubber and maybe out of the ferrous/magnetic metal and/or the air. This effect might be noticeable at a short distance.)
One possibility is to try using a wood filing cabinet instead of a metal filing cabinet. While this would remove an antenna from your living or work space, it might also eliminate the decoy effect [or alternate antenna target for carrier waves] that one or more filing cabinets might provide..
Cautions: If you noticeably gain additional EMF shielding, there is some chance that the beam signal strength that you are shielding against might be increased, something you want to AVOID. (Individual cell phone tower beam strength might be more individually/locally adjustable or tweakable than a multitarget spy satellite beam where mind control workers changing carrier wave decibel strength probably effects everyone zapped by the same spy satellite beam the same and might therefore be sometimes be claimed to be capped at certain decibel limits because of borg network and/or mind reader complaints.) Also, mind control workers might very briefly or temporarily increase beam weapon decibel strength to try to get a noticeable to them and/or their software connection and/or noticeable mind control and/or mind reading effect in their mind control software, and then try to lower the decibel strength after a connection/effect is established. This might very briefly or temporarily noticeably interfere with Wi-Fi and/or mouse and/or keyboard and/or computer function. [It might even be possible to document and track Wi-Fi interruptions as possible TI evidence.] Also, area shielding might give you some better shielded spots or areas (for example, your desk and your bed) but might result in your other areas (for example, bathrooms lined with tile, tile floor or hardwood floor without carpeting and/or underlayment) being less EMF shielded. Also, area EMF shielding can get expensive, so it makes sense to upgrade affordably and experimentally, in order to get the most EMF individual and/or area shielding for an affordable investment of TI money, EMF shielding building and/or installation time, and/or daily install/remove EMF shielding time. (You can buy more individually cost-effective EMF shielding that shields your brain, head, cheeks, neck, and body, but you can also get less individually cost-effective area shielding too that can possibly covertly shield multiple people in the shielded area.)
Utilizing area EMF shielding can be referred as hardening EMF shielding defenses. If you are a tenant or worker and do not own the area being shielded, you will want affordable removable easy install easy remove EMF area shielding that also blends in if the shielding is used in a public environment. If you are a wealthy homeowner, business owner, or office space owner, you might want to start small and see what helps. There are a lot of options.
Sound absorbers come in a wide variety of forms in a wide variety of products. I like peacemaker 3.2mm sound absorber made from high density recycled tires with high carbon content including carbon black and carbon steel. High carbon content is associated with EMF shielding capability. The very components that allow tires to be strong, including carbon black and carbon steel, might enable recycled tire rubber to provide some level of cheap low strength multispectral EMF shielding, Individual high density recycled tire rubber products may vary in price, shielding power, and marketing product appeal. In comparison, acoustic underlayment and sound absorbers are only designed to absorb and shield in the sonic or sound spectrum. By the way, if recycled tire rubber shields in the RF or microwave frequencies, recycled tire rubber is far cheaper per square foot than fancy expensive professional RF absorbers or microwave absorbers. However, based on some quick additional testing, I am very skeptical of the idea that peacemaker 3.2mm provides any RF/microwave shielding.
Acoustic underlayment can help shield in the sonic or sound spectrum, and possibly provide a thin reflective metal RF/microwave usually aluminum shield that blocks and reflects some RF/microwave energy, but it will only absorb sound, and will not absorb in the RF or microwave spectrum. NRC, or noise reduction coefficient measures sound absorption, while other ratings measure sound shielding. (By the way, patent US 5159703A for silent sound spread spectrum mind control technology claims one data frequency used is 14,500 Hz, in the sonic spectrum, so acoustic underlayment the absorbs sound without converting into vibrational energy might help.)
Some rooms, for example bathrooms with tile floor and tile walls bathrooms, have extremely low levels of sound absorption and presumably high levels of sound reflectivity. Other areas, for example rooms with plush carpets, wool carpets, and carpets with sound absorbing underlayment, have much lower levels of sound reflectivity. In general, flat, smooth objects, like tile floors, hardwood floors, file cabinets, and flat walls, have higher levels of sound reflectivity. If there is a hi-tech negative energy force field that is in the sonic/sound spectrum range (for example, silent sound spread spectrum sound energy waves at 14,500Hz) bouncing around off of the floor and around the room, the addition of a rug and/or sound absorbing underlayment (that does not convert the sound into vibrational energy that vibrates into a human target) should help.
In addition to sound waves and EMF waves going through the air, vibration waves are vibrating in the floor and can be shielded against using peacemaker 6.4mm anti vibration or vibration reduction shielding.
If you hear a sound beam impacting an air conditioner or other motor, peacemaker 3.2mm multispectral EMF and sound absorbers placed on top and on the sides of the noise-generating fan or motor might help. So might peacemaker 6.4 anti-vibration or vibration reducing underlayment placed underneath the zapped hot object to shield vibrations from the object from vibrating into the floor and then into a human target. Sound absorbers placed near the fan might also help. (FYI, the sound might be a heterodyned sound (the difference of 2 ultrasonic frequencies) at RF frequencies above or way above 20,000Hz.)
Hint: techno floor acoustic and/or peacemaker 3.2mm can be added to a discreet plate carrier to provide sound shielding for your chest and back and part of your spinal cord from negative silent sound spread spectrum energy waves at 14,500Hz. Peacemaker 3.2mm can also be used as part of your EMF shielding for you neck, head, and cheeks. Caution: peacemaker 3.2mm EMF shielding might produce some vibrational waves while it is absorbing EMF and/or sound waves.
Caution: some heterodyned sounds (and silent silent sounds) might not be blocked by regular sonic spectrum (20Hz/100Hz to 20,000 Hz) sound shielding.
Caution: an increase in decibel strength in a negative energy force field can undo the positive effects of sound absorbing, RF absorbing, and/or microwave absorbing technology.
Anti-Vibration Shielding: Area Anti-Fatigue/Anti-Vibration/Impact Absorption/Decoupling/Isolation Pads. Also Electrostatic Discharge/ESD/Dielectric Pads. Underlayment, etc.
[updated 6/25/23]
Anti-Vibration Shielding Research
It turns out that some bad vibes/vibrations [probably in the 0-20Hz infrasonic wavelength and the low sonic/bass 20Hz-100Hz and possibly higher levels of Hz] are literally bad vibrations that can be beamed or physically vibrated into solid objects and then be vibrationally absorbed by someone who is standing, sitting, or lying down at the point of their contact with physical objects (for example, feet on the floor, sitting on a chair, or a body lying in bed). One solution is to shield humans and furniture from any vibrations from any source [both electronic/wireless/beam/DEW/directed energy weapon/ultrasonic transducer and/or physical (for example, vibrating motors [with/without their being electronically zapped or their being electronic zapped "hot"]) that vibrate into a floor and then the vibrations in the floor vibrate into an furniture including any chair, table,desk, or bed. The abstract or summary for patent US 5159703A for silent sound spread spectrum mind control technology claims that the technology is "...propagated acoustically or vibrationally, for inducement into the brain..." Thus sound shielding and anti-vibration shielding should both help shield against silent sound spread spectrum mind control technology.
Many objects covering a wood or tile floor, for example carpet and underlayment, including techno floor and peacemaker 6.4mm underlayment, provide some level of anti-vibration impact absorption. However, some underlayment, mats, isolation pads, and other products are specifically designed and marketed to provide good or excellent quality anti-vibration shielding and they usually have an Impact Insulation Class (IIC) rating The best anti-vibration shielding underlayment that I have found so far is peacemaker 6.4mm anti-vibration underlayment that has a very nice name and is made from recycled tire rubber filled with (possibly EMF-shielding) carbon. Rubber is usually used in isolation pads that isolate/decouple vibrations in an object from vibrations in the floor.
In addition to peacemaker 6.4mm underlayment, some small isolation pads and some thick rubber mats might provide even stronger anti-vibration shielding.
[updated 6/25/23]
I recommend buying a $5 peacemaker sample pack from the manufacturer.
Brain Shielding, Sound and Vibration Shielding, and EMF Shielding Research on the $5 Peacemaker Sample Pack
My brain shielding, sound and vibration shielding, and EMF shielding research leads me to believe that this product can provide additional shielding.
This is ONLY brain shielding, sound and vibration shielding, and EMF shielding research. It is NOT a product guarantee. Please use your own judgement in purchasing products from this store. I believe that this product will help some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time.
According to my brain shielding and EMF shielding research, here is what I personally believe about some of the unadvertised by the seller benefits of this product. This is NOT a product guarantee.
I recommend buying a $5 peacemaker sample pack from the manufacturer. When you get it, try testing the underlayment shielding potential of both types of EMF shielding by placing both samples on either a bare hardwood floor or on a tile floor [usually found in kitchens and bathrooms). The peacemaker 6.4mm version provides excellent anti-vibration shielding but poor EMF shielding against zaps from the air, while the peacemaker 3.2mm version provides excellent EMF shielding and some sound shielding from zaps from the air but lower quality anti-vibration shielding when placed on the floor. (By the way, save the samples. The peacemaker 3.2mm samples make excellent cheek shields (although the best cheek shields are larger).)
[updated 6/25/23]

Audimute Peacemaker Soundproofing Underlayment - 6.4mm Anti Vibration Flooring Sound Barrier. You can also buy a $5 sample pack from the manufacturer. This is excellent quality anti-vibration or vibration reduction underlayment with an Impact Insulation Class (IIC) rating of 56.
Brain Shielding, Sound and Vibration Shielding, and EMF Shielding Research on Peacemaker 6.4mm Underlayment
My brain shielding, sound and vibration shielding, and EMF shielding research leads me to believe that this product can provide additional shielding.
This is ONLY brain shielding, sound and vibration shielding, and EMF shielding research. It is NOT a product guarantee. Please use your own judgement in purchasing products from this store. I believe that this product will help some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time.
According to my brain shielding and EMF shielding research, here is what I personally believe about some of the unadvertised by the seller benefits of this product. This is NOT a product guarantee.
Audimute Peacemaker Soundproofing Underlayment - 6.4mm Anti Vibration Flooring Sound Barrier. You can also buy a $5 sample pack from the manufacturer. This is excellent quality anti-vibration or vibration reduction underlayment with an Impact Insulation Class (IIC) rating of 56. In addition to providing anti-vibration or vibration reduction shielding for the floor, it can also be used as a decoupler or anti-vibration or vibration reduction shielding to reduce physical vibrations spreading to and/or from appliances (including air conditioners and washing machines) or furniture (including beds, chairs, desks, filing cabinets, and sofas) and the floor. It can also be used to reduce vibrations spreading to and from loudspeakers. It can also be used as a seat cushion placed on chairs and/or car seats. It could in theory also be placed on any object that a human sits it, lies on, rests on, sleeps on, or works on to reduce vibrations. It can also be placed at the bottom and/or the back of your chair, on the floor underneath your chair, and on bare floor (try standing while barefoot and/or wearing shoes) on peacemaker 6.4mm recycled tire rubber vs. standing on bare tile or hardwood floor to see it you notice a vibration reduction difference). It can also be placed on your mattress or futon under a sheet or blanket or wool topper, etc.
According to the manufacturer, "Peacemaker is also available in a 3.2mm thickness. However, the 3.2mm thickness is not intended to perform in the same manner as our 6.4mm Peacemaker. Our 6.4mm Peacemaker is a much less dense product, allowing it to absorb vibrations effectively. Our 3.2mm Peacemaker is denser than our 6.4mm, meaning it will not absorb vibration in the same manner as our 6.4mm, but will block airborne sound much more effectively."
Research on anti-vibration, anti-fatigue, and impact absorbing technology.
Caution: While this technology probably shields very well in the 0-100Hz range of vibrations from the floor, including the 0-20Hz infrasonic wavelength and the low sonic/bass 20Hz-100Hz and possibly higher levels of Hz, and Peacemaker 6.4mm is documented as having a strong Impact Insulation Class (IIC) rating from at least 80-800Hz [IIC ratings at 0-80Hz are not supplied], it can get expensive and there are many other types of EMF shielding upgrades (for example, lead rubber EMF shielding) to consider spending your EMF shielding consumer dollar on that might produce more EMF shielding effect per EMF shielding dollar spent. (If you split the bill and the product 2 or more ways or if you are high income, it gets more affordable.) Another caution: if the anti-vibration shielding from peacemaker 6.4mm is better shielding and/or more comfortable than tile or hardwood floor, you might end up wanting to spend more money on underlayment than you first planned on.
It turns out that some bad vibes/vibrations [probably in the 0-20Hz infrasonic wavelength and the low sonic/bass 20Hz-100Hz and possibly higher levels of Hz] are literally bad vibrations that can be beamed or physically vibrated into solid objects and then be vibrationally absorbed by someone who is standing, sitting, or lying down at the point of their contact with physical objects (for example, feet on the floor, sitting on a chair, or a body lying in bed). One solution is to shield humans and furniture from any vibrations from any source [both electronic/wireless/beam/DEW/directed energy weapon and/or physical (for example, vibrating motors [with/without their being electronically zapped or their being "hot"]) that vibrate into and then from a floor, chair, table, bed, or workplace floor, chair, or desk. The abstract or summary for patent US 5159703A for silent sound spread spectrum mind control technology claims that the technology is "...propagated acoustically or vibrationally, for inducement into the brain..." Thus sound shielding and anti-vibration shielding should both help shield against silent sound spread spectrum mind control technology.
The technical details are a little complicated and not entirely understood. Covert mind control technology uses high frequency carrier waves to zap or beam an object (and I'm guessing that this probably includes a targeted cell phone or targeted satellite transponder or a transponder/transpondered object/person and/or a window air conditioner and/or a metal antenna like a metal filing cabinet) that becomes a beamed and zapped electronically/electromagnetically "hot" object (and/or person). "Hot" or heavily beamed/zapped objects (that might also be transpondered) can include fans, air conditioners, cars, loudspeakers, and possibly even metal filing cabinets. "Hot" objects are most noticeable when you hear a sound beam broadcast from a running electric fan or a running motor. When these objects and other objects (like floors, buildings, ground, sidewalks, pavement, etc.) get beamed, the mind control technology lower frequency waves carried in the usually very high frequency carrier waves can impact the beamed/zapped objects at much lower frequencies (including the vibrational infrasonic 0-20Hz waves and low sonic 20Hz-100Hz waves, sonic/sound waves of 20-20,000Hz, the low ultrasonic waves of 20,000-40,000Hz, etc.).
If you hear a sound beam for a beamed/zapped hot object, here's what's going on:
1. Some electromagnetic beam (possibly for a spy satellite, a cell phone tower, or even an IMSI catcher or stingray) has zapped (and possibly transpondered) your "hot" object.
2. You hear a sound beam (that might actually be an ultrasonic heterodyned sound beam, possibly from an ultrasonic transducer.)
3. At the points of impact of the electromagnetic beam(s) and/or ultrasonic beam(s), including but not necessarily limited to a specific hot object, mind control technology data signals carried by possibly multiple different frequency carrier waves re-emerge and some of the mind control data waves and/or heterodyned mind control data waves and sound waves or heterodyned sound waves are bounced around in the air and can effect you. Heterodyned waves are sometimes used to produce new offsetting frequency mind control waves and/or sound waves. Some of these energy waves travel through the air, some electrical or electromagnetic waves might travel through electrical wires, and some energy waves might travel vibrationally through physical objects.
Some of the energy waves travel vibrationally through the floor, walls, ground, furniture, etc. While the noticeably "hot" object deserves special EMF shielding attention, carrier waves can also beam the floor, walls, ceiling, furniture, ground, etc., and transform on impact into a variety of energy waves including energy waves that travel through objects instead of the air or wires. While you might hear a sound beam from a fan, you might also be feeling the bad vibrations that travel through the air (including silent sound spread spectrum energy waves) and other energy waves (probably including the 0-20Hz infrasonic/vibrational range and the 20-100Hz low sonic/bass range) that travel and vibrate though physical objects. That's where anti-vibration shielding comes in to block or reduce these vibrations. If these energy vibrations are not shielded against, then you might absorb silent sound spread spectrum mind control technology vibrational energy from a hardwood or tile floor and partially absorb it through a carpeted floor and you will then absorb the physical vibrations in whatever part of your body is in contact with the floor or a chair, table, or bed connected to the floor. (Remember that the abstract or summary for patent US 5159703A for silent sound spread spectrum mind control technology claims that the technology is "...propagated acoustically or vibrationally, for inducement into the brain.) ."That's where anti-vibration shielding, also called anti-fatigue shielding, anti-impact underlayment, decoupling, and isolation pads, can be installed to automatically shield yourself and other people from any bad vibrations zapped into the floor and any "hot" objects physically connected to the floor via silent silent spread spectrum mind control technology.
One anti-vibration/anti-fatigue strategy is to shield chairs, floors, and to vibrationally shield and decouple key furniture (your bed, your chair, your table, etc., and any appliances (like an air conditioner zapped electromagnetically and sound-beamingishly "hot") from the floor.
A mobile anti-vibrational strategy is to add anti-fatigue shoe inserts to shield your feet from floor vibration. An even fancier (and more expensive) upgrade is to buy shoes/running shoes/boots with excellent anti-vibration properties.
Technology that accomplishes shielding humans and/or equipment from physical (and/or sound) vibration has a variety of names, including anti-fatigue, anti-vibration, impact absorption, decoupling [used to absorb/reduce low sonic including 20-100Hz sound], and isolation pads [used to shield electronic loud speakers and also decouple or provide vibration absorption between 2 objects.] Decoupling technology is at least often used in buildings to reduce any vibrations between floors.
Some but not all anti-fatigue technology claims to provide electrostatic discharge/ESD properties and some of these products also claim to have dielectric/electricity-absorbing/dissipating properties.
Many objects covering a floor, for example carpet and underlayment, including techno floor and peacemaker 3.2mm underlayment, provide some level of anti-vibration impact absorption. However, some underlayment, mats, isolation pads, and other products are specifically designed and marketed to provide good or excellent quality anti-vibration shielding.
You can test this easily by placing a layer of peacemaker 6.4mm anti-vibration/anti-impact shielding on the seat of your chair and underneath your feet on the floor and underneath your
chair on your floor and notice that this feels more vibrationally shielded..
Now it gets a little complicated:
An additional type of shielding provided by some but not all anti-fatigue/anti-vibration includes manufacturer claims of ESD/electronic static discharge capability or dielectric properties (meaning the ability to absorb and dissipate some electronic wave energy)
Caution: Some "anti-fatigue" products are designed to absorb and dissipate ESD/electrostatic discharge more than or possibly instead of provide anti-vibration shielding. Both anti-vibration and ESD/electrostatic discharge technology are useful, but they are different technologies that many rubber mats or rubber underlayment have in varying mixes of [often undocumented] strength. Most rubber mats provide some level of impact absorption. Some rubber mats/underlayment provide some level of ESD/electrostatic discharge of dielectric electricity dissipation capability. Also, there are many different types of rubber, and only some types of rubber products (for example, recycled auto tire rubber) are helpful in EMF (as compared to anti-vibration] shielding and only some provide ESD/electrostatic discharge and/or dielectric/electricity dissipation capability.
To make this even more technically complicated, underlayment/mats also have varying levels of sound and possibly even RF/microwave absorption, and any aluminum in underlayment will very heavily block and reflect electronic (but probably not electromagnetic) radio waves and probably electronic microwaves. (Blocking and reflecting incoming (from satellite beam or cell phone tower beam) radio waves/microwaves with aluminum is potentially helpful, while blocking outgoing radio/micro waves is probably counterproductive.. Also be carefully not to block computer to router/hub/ONT Wi-Fi beams.)
I prefer the peacemaker 6.4mm underlayment because it is made of impact absorbing low-density tire rubber. The tire rubber includes high carbon content that will probably provide some additional EMF-shielding capabilities (although the high-density peacemaker 3.2mm sound absorber is much better at EMF shielding, while the peacemaker 6.4mm low density shielding excels at impact absorption between humans and/or furniture and/or a seat or the floor.
Stacking floor underlayment and movable underlayment for tenants.
I'm still experimenting and learning. If you have bare floor or tiles, and have the time, motivation, and money, you could try stacking underlayment on the floor in different ways.
If you already have carpet, you can try adding some underlayment on top of the carpet. Ultimately, you could get anti-vibration and/or impact shielding underlayment installed underneath the carpet.
You can place anti-vibration and/or EMF shielding and/or sound/shielding underlayment on the floor to accomplish a number of goals.
1.. Using peacemaker 6.4mm underlayment to provide excellent impact absorption between yourself, humans (and pets), furniture, appliances and the floor.
2. Decoupling furniture from the floor. This is as simple as putting isolation pads or cut squares of peacemaker 6.4mm underlayment under the legs of beds, desks, tables, sofas, etc.
3. If you are a tenant you will want mobile shielding, underlayment and/or carpeting that can be rolled up and reused elsewhere if you move.
Using sound absorption technology to absorb sound transmission AND silent sound spectrum transmission/reflection along the walls, possibly partitions, possibly the floor, and possibly the ceiling.. (Bare tile floor/walls only absorb 2% of sound.) Caution: peacemaker 3.2mm shielding might absorb EMF waves (a good quality) but also possibly turn some of the absorbed EMF waves into vibrational energy (not necessary a good thing if you are walking or sitting or sleeping on it and the vibes are often and/or temporarily partially/entirely negative).
5. Using polyester or preferably wool carpet to absorb sound (wool absorbs better than polyester but wool carpeting is probably too expensive) and add a little impact absorption.
6. The optimal mix of impact absorbing, sound absorbing, and/or EMF/RF/microwave absorbing underlayment is currently unknown.
Copyright © 2024 by Ed Harding.